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The daily goal of the hamlet seniors was Hohenems

34 participants of the VORARLBERG 50plus local group Weiler visited the Jewish Museum and the Jewish quarter in the youngest town in Vorarlberg and then enjoyed the wonderful view from the sulfur mountain over the city and the Rhine valley to the Swiss mountains and Lake Constance.

Angelika Hausegger and Philipp Rupp introduced us to the history and buildings of the Jewish community. We were very impressed by the detailed explanations. The example of Hohenems shows how important it is to come to terms with the past and present it in a contemporary way for future generations.

After the 90-minute, very interesting information in the city center, we went on foot to the sulfur mountain. The seniors were already looking forward to the well-known Käsknöpfle from Marlies, the landlady of the snack station on the Sulfur Mountain. It was another cozy, culinary afternoon among friends. Before nightfall we reached our home town of Weiler contentedly.

Thank you to everyone who helped shape and experienced this interesting afternoon.

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