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The daughter of the ‘King of Rock’

This Owl finishes watching the latest political programs and decides to follow the announcement ceremony of the nominees for the Oscars in Hollywood. One of the ‘fixed’ candidates to win the best actor statuette is Austin Butler, for his role as Elvis Presley in the film ‘Elvis’, ‘biopic’ directed by Baz Luhrmann. Butler has already won the ‘Golden Globe’ and critics consider his performance to be prodigious. On that occasion he was accompanied by Presley’s only daughter, the singer and actress Lisa Mariewho celebrated the triumph and jokingly threatened: “If they don’t give him the Oscar, I’ll be angry.”

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The entertainment press said that she arrived dressed in a look similar to ‘Morticia’ Addams, from the series ‘Merlina’. Unfortunately, a few days later, Lisa Marie passed away at the age of 54 from cardiac arrest. When Elvis died prematurely at age 42, the artist was just nine years old and became a joint heir to her estate with her grandmother and great-grandmother. When they both died, she became the sole heir to a fortune valued at more than 100 million dollars.

In 2004, Lisa sold 85% of Elvis Presley Enterprises (EPE), the company that controlled the rights and properties of the legendary singer. Unfortunately, as the saying goes, she was successful in business, failed in love. She was married four times, and all marriages ended in divorce. She got together with musician Danny Keough in 1988 and they had a couple: Riley and Benjamin. With the latter she would suffer the greatest pain of hers. The 28-year-old boy committed suicide in 2020, shooting himself in the head.

In 1994, she surprisingly married in ‘Las Vegas’, Dominican Republic, with the ‘King of Pop’ Michael Jackson.

It was an open secret that it was a marriage of convenience. Lisa wanted to relaunch her musical career and Michael sought to ‘overlap’ from the serious accusations of sexual abuse of minors. They divorced after two years. There Presley began to “take the clothes out” of her marriage to “Jacko”. She maintained that her nights “were wild and intense”: “He was extraordinary in bed,” she said. ‘But he always ‘did it dressed up’.

She also confessed that she never saw him naked or with his face washed, when they had sex he was made up. In her scandalous revelations after her separation, she stated that, on their first night together, the artist asked her to be in the dark room. When they finished she ran to the bathroom and came out after twenty minutes with makeup, pajamas and a robe. She said that he asked her to wear fine jewelry in bed and that she dress up to play sexual ‘games’. Would it be true so much beauty?

The employees of ‘Neverland’, encouraged by the statements of Lisa Marie, well paid with wads of dollars by the television stations, told ‘the truth’. A housekeeper swore that they never had sex and that Michael left women’s lingerie lying on the floor, to make those who cleaned his room believe that that night he had ‘demolished’ the bedroom with wild sex. “It was fake sex. A whole screen, ”said the employee on television. Another employee commented that the singer sprayed women’s perfume on her sheets to make it appear that he had spent the night with Lisa, who had her own room.

The press said that he used the marriage to appropriate the catalog of Elvis’s songs and that she used him to support her with her extraordinary talent. When they were shown in public they felt fake. But the straw that broke the camel’s back was the ‘ampay’ that they made her and on top of her with her ex-husband, father of her two children, on a beach. Lisa Marie remained without a partner, but she continued to see Michael and in 1997 she admitted that “they were lovers.” But in the year 2000 she lost her head for the actor Nicolas Cage, whom she secretly married in 2002. It was one of the most fleeting marriages in Hollywood: after four months they separated due to “irreconcilable differences.”

Her fourth marriage was to music producer Michael Lockwood, in Japan. With whom she called “her soul mate of hers” she was together until 2016 and had two twin daughters. Thanks to the film ‘Elvis’, the dazzling and tumultuous life of her father, Elvis Presley, has been seen by millions. Later on, surely, it will be inevitable that Hollywood presents the ‘biopic’ of her daughter Lisa Marie. I turn off the TV.


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