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The decision that El Trece made with ATAV

During 2022, El Trece recorded the second season of “ATAV“. Although the management thought of releasing it that year, they finally left it for 2023 because, if it were released earlier, it would be overshadowed by “Big Brother”.

Despite the good strategy used by Canal del Sol to avoid problems with Telefe, the Argentine strip It failed and the rating it collects daily is proof of this.

With all the aforementioned, the journalist Nacho Rodríguez reported, through his official Twitter account, that El Trece made a new decision and it has to do with “ATAV“.

“To get rid of failure quickly, Suar (Adrián) decided to stretch ‘ATAV’,” Nacho textualized on the aforementioned social network. Later, Rodríguez further explained the plan that the channel will carry out.

According to what was exposed by Nacho, Starting this Monday, May 8, El Trece will extend the broadcasts of “ATAV. The channel in question will transmit the novel from 11:00 p.m. to 12:15 a.m.

The main idea of ​​the channel would be to program 15 to 20 more minutes of “ATAV” so that the emissions in question can end soon.

“ATAV” figures.

It is important to clarify that the channel led by Suar has not yet made the news in question official on the small screen and it is expected that they will do so in the coming days.

The return of Dario Barassi

While the situation is clarified with “ATAV“, El Trece is preparing for the great return of Darío Barassi, a figure who at the time led the conduction of “100 Argentinos Say”.

Based on the information handled by the Rating Show Twitter account, Darío will return to the small screen with a format called “Ahora Caigo”.

Likewise, it was learned that Barassi would be in charge of his space starting at 6:30 p.m., a time slot that is difficult to lead due to the good programming that Telefe manages.

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