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The dictator of Nicaragua prohibits entering the country with cameras

Daniel Ortega, the dictator who rules Nicaragua Several years ago, it prohibited tourists from entering the country with cameras, in a statement shared by the General Directorate of Customs Services of the Central American nation. Visitors who want to take photos during their vacations in the Caribbean country must request a special permit from the National Cinematheque.

They denounced that Nicaragua is in a process of “North Koreanization.”

These measures, highly controversial and criticized by a large part of the international community, come after the country led by Ortega and Rosario Murillo, his wife, was in the spotlight around the world after a brutal repression that was captured by foreign media from the 2018. According to some critics of the regime, what the government of Nicaragua It is a “‘Koreanization’ process,” according to comments made to the newspaper El País by the exiled former deputy Eliseo Núñez, who compared this measure with those taken by Kim Jong-un.

“This goes beyond even what the Cuban and Chinese regimes do with tourists and its objective is to close Nicaragua to any eye that can observe from outside. The prohibition of cameras is something that might sound useless in the face of the latest generation cell phones, but the regime is betting that whoever arrives with a cell phone will not be constantly looking for information. However, the most dramatic thing is how they close the country,” he told the Spanish publication Núñez.

This measure has “political purposes” and not tax purposes, according to the customs sector.

According to the role shared by the sandinista government They prohibited the entry of night binoculars and cameras. According to this document, tourists will be able to enter with: “a photographic apparatus and a long-sighted glass.” “Amounts greater than those allowed will be subject to compliance with applicable tax obligations,” they indicated in the statement, although the complaints from the customs sector is that it is not a way to increase collection, but rather that it has “political purposes.”

The “elections” in Nicaragua

In recent months, this nation has been in the eye of the storm after serious accusations of electoral fraud arose during the votes that were held at the end of last year, where apart from affirming that votes were forged, it was also indicated that forced people to vote. In addition, 82.7% abstained from being part of the electoral process, according to the NGO “Urnas Abiertas”.

Source: (The Confidential)

It was thanks to this that, supposedly, Ortega and his wife managed to gain political control of all the municipalities of the Caribbean nation, a fact that the opposition, which is completely in exile, denounced as “a farce.”

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