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The dictatorships of 21st Century Socialism do not want peace in Ukraine or in the world

Coexisting and negotiating with crime is not an option for democracy

The situation of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine points out the urgency for the international system for maintaining peace and security to work, but the group of dictatorships made up of China, Iran, the Castro-Chavistas of the Americas, Africa and the governments to dictatorials prevent it. The dictatorships of 21st century socialism, Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia and Nicaragua, subordinated to Russia, China and Iran, are now confessed parties to the crimes against peace and have confirmed that their path is that of violence and terrorism.

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine began “The First Global War” which I define as “the generalized conflict that involves all States but in which armed confrontation is limited to areas and between specific parties, in which there is no neutrality.” and from which no state is excluded.” In this scenario there are only two parties, that of the aggressor who violates international law and flagrantly perpetrates crimes against peace and humanity, and that of the attacked or victim who constitutes the strategic and territorial brake on future invasions.

Globalization is “an economic, social, political, technological and cultural process on a planetary scalecharacterized by a progressive integration and interaction between countries, people and institutions”, which together with capitalism define the nature of today’s world.

The world of the 21st century is capitalist and globalized and the interaction of states, institutions and people develops within that framework. In this century, nature or “what” the world is is not in discussion, as happened for example in the Cold War where communism and capitalism were disputed; The dispute of our time consists of “how” a country is managed, administered or governed in which, as part of the world, it is part of globalization and is capitalist. The alternatives are those that have marked the history of humanity: freedom with respect for human rights or concentration of power at the expense of human rights, which are expressed in democracy or dictatorship.

Global war is a consequence of globalization and by its nature does not exclude anyone. In global war there may be direct armed non-participation in the conflict, but there is no impartiality because all states participate economically, politically, technologically, commercially, culturally and/or socially. In the globalized 21st century, neutrality is only theoretical and if it exists it will always be imperfect.

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine was the only active front in the global war until the Hamas terrorist attack against Israel that forced the opening of the front in Gaza, and there is an eventual third focus operated by the Houthis with backing from Iran in the Red Sea and the Suez Canal. In all these expressions of global war the positioning of the governments is the same: dictatorships and their dictatorial or satellite governments support crime and democracies on the defensive try to make the international system work.

It is no coincidence that non-democratic governments express an alliance against Ukraine and against Israel, it is natural because it already existed before the start of the war. China, Russia, Iran are dictatorships under different types of presentations or narratives: China as communism with a single party, Russia with nationalism and electoralism, Iran with theocratic imposition, and all of them violating human rights, concentrating power indefinitely with impunity, they have annulled the concept of the rule of law and govern with “state terrorism” as a fundamental mechanism. There is no difference in objective or methods with the dictatorships of Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia and Nicaragua, but they are also united by the common enemy, which is the fear of being held accountable and answering for their crimes.

The Summit for Peace in Ukraine held in Switzerland has confirmed the configuration of the “First Global War”: the dictatorships of Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia and Nicaragua did not attend; Of the dictatorial governments, Petro of Colombia did not attend, and those of Mexico with López Obrador and Brazil with Lula did not sign the declaration that expresses consensus on “nuclear and maritime transit security and release of prisoners of war.”

It is confirmed that the dictatorships of 21st century socialism and their dictatorial governments, under the command of Cuba over Venezuela, Bolivia and Nicaragua, do not want peace in Ukraine as they do not want it in Gaza and as they do not support either “nuclear security or maritime transit”, expressing his position on Houthi terrorism in the Red Sea and the Suez Canal.

The dictatorships of the Americas have as their only internal capital State terrorism and as their foreign policy the threats to international peace and security and the internal stability of democratic countries.

*Lawyer and Political Scientist. Director of the Interamerican Institute for Democracy

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