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The dollar continues without reaching a ceiling in the Cuban informal market


US dollar still bottoming out and this Friday it is trading at 209.00 CUP in the Cuban informal market, a situation that causes concern among citizens, who must allocate more and more money to acquire it.

According to the information published by the independent media elTOQUEthe US currency sets a new record and with it, the projections of some economists on the levels that the currency could reach before the end of the year are conformed.

Exchange rates in the informal market / Source: elTOQUE

Some projections estimate that if the government does not adopt urgent measures, in December it could be trading at 250.00 CUP or more.

In the case of the euro and the freely convertible currency (MLC), no changes have been reported in the last few hours and they continue to 215.00 CUP and 195.00 CUP, respectively.

Exchange rates in Cadeca / Source. cadeca

The state Exchange Houses (CADECA) maintain the sale value for the dollar established by the government of 1 x 123.60, while the euro is sold this Friday at 136.98 CUP.

For the economist Elías Amor, the situation is complex and as long as the government and the Central Bank of Cuba do not adopt measures, the situation will continue uncontrolled, which has other effects on the lives of citizens and the price of what they must pay for products and basic services.

The government must reduce the public deficit and authorize the BCC to adopt measures such as increasing interest rates, adjusting exchange rates and allowing more economic freedom, otherwise we will continue to witness a situation that may end very wrong, Amor said this Thursday, in a program of CyberCuba.

This year the dollar and the euro in Cuba have reached figures that have not been seen since October 2022. Experts agree that this situation is due to the Ordering Task and the government’s unwillingness to assume its responsibility and react in time.

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