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The dramatic story of the victim of group rape in Punta del Este: “He, his cousin and his brother were there, two of them on top of me”

The woman who denounced three men for rape at a private party in Punta del Este told her version of what happened.

The woman who denounced having been raped by three men at a private party in Punta del Este gave details about what happened that night. The young woman herself claimed that she was drugged before being sexually abused and that he did not have the support he expected from the Uruguayan police and justice.

In dialogue with S.underlined (Channel 10) The victim said that she arrived in Punta del Este on Friday, January 13, from Montevideo, to celebrate a friend’s birthday. That night she attended a private house party, and that’s where the gang rape what a complaint

The three men denounced are fully identified. Ramiro Cabrera, Federico Cabrera and Agustín Cabrera, the first two brothers and the third cousin. One of them is known to the victim’s friend.

Photos of the three men denounced, identified as Ramiro Cabrera, Federico Cabrera and Agustín Cabrera, have gone viral on the social networks of feminist groups.

The young woman was clear in her story: “My memories last until 10 at night”, because then she lost consciousness. The owner of the house is the main accused of being who drugged the youngsince after they “invited” her with a drink that she had in a glass, the girl’s discomfort began.

The girl’s friend managed to get out of the room, and when she returned to the room to help her, the door was open. locked. Now with the three abusers and the unconscious victim inside.

“The little girls called me and I didn’t answer, and he was the one who answered for me, that I was fine, that they leave. What they couldn’t open More people come to open and, in the meantime, they go up and down, when they manage to open the door, it was not just him but his cousin and his brother were there, and two of them were on my body,” said the victim. according to what his friends detailed him.

The rape occurred in this house in Punta del Este

The girl woke up and found her body violated. “I have traces of semen in my tank top, in my underwear, I have marks and bruises in the arms, as if to hold me. Also in the thighs ”, according to herself detailed.

She only became aware of herself the following day at 12 noon, when she woke up at her friend’s house, without understanding why she was not still in the defendant’s house. She indicated that after that, he and her friends told her what had happened to her. “Obviously I was totally in shock, with a state of horrible anguish, I began to understand why the entire area of ​​my pelvis hurt. Why did my arms hurt?

When she found out what happened, when she recently regained consciousness and was seriously affected by the situation, this young woman went with her friends to the sectional police Maldonado’s sixth. “They treated me pretty bad. I was already in a state of anguish that I could not relate what had happened to me. On the other hand, because when they tell me I am shocked, ”she pointed out.

The prosecution remarked that this kind of investigation “is very complex, takes time and skills”, so there are still no details of what happened.

She was then attended by medical personnel. But when she received this first assistance, they gave her medications against sexually transmitted diseases, without one of the most important, that of HIV-AIDS.

“I have to fight tooth and nail to be able to receive preventive treatment for HIV, which I only got yesterday thanks to the psychologists from the Prosecutor’s Office here in Maldonado,” the victim denounced.

Despite the fact that he went to Maldonado for the weekend, due to the judicial process, he has been staying in the apartment for a week.

“We went to a Family court instance with my public defender, we said that we did not agree with the measures taken, because a person who committed rape with his family, in herd… which is something sinister to think about, from a horror movie,” the victim asserted.

As reported Montevideo Portaleven though the judge of the case did not order the use of an ankle brace, the magistrate “understood that it was enough with the measure of non-approach”.

“I asked that at least one be placed anklet. That it was the person who gave me that glass, who invited me to the room, who invited his cousin and brother to a birthday party that nobody knew, who ended up being abusers, I don’t know what to call them,” said the victim.

The San Carlos prosecutor specialized in gender violence, Fiorella Marzano, was the one who took the complaint and ordered the first measures of evidence: medical and clinical examinations of the victim and the three men accused.

“I feel very afraid, because I feel totally depersonalized of my body; I have no words to describe how bad I feel, how much I feel bad with the medication that I have to take because it brings consequences at a gastric level, at a psychological level, not to mention, I feel ashamed for something that is not my fault, but the Police also make you feel that way, because I have received phrases like ‘you don’t seem vulnerable’ from the Domestic Violence Unit,” she said.

“I am being contained by the prosecutor’s psychologist and taking medication that I buy myself by free prescription, because I have not had the attention that I deserve as a victim,” the woman concluded.

Keep reading:

The Justice of Uruguay investigates a group rape at a party in Punta del Este
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