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The drug crisis for chronic patients will be resolved next week. CNAS receives money from Finance for unlocking health programs

​The problem of medicines for the chronically ill should be solved next week, after the National Health Insurance House announced that it will receive money from the Ministry of Finance to unblock health programs.

Patient at the doctorPhoto: Elizaveta Galitskaya|

“Following the requests of the National Health Insurance House, the Ministry of Finance submitted to CNAS the approval of supplementing the budgetary provisions related to the third quarter, by correspondingly reducing the provisions of the fourth quarter, with inclusion in the annual funds approved by the State Budget Law”, the representatives of the National House sent of Health Insurance, at the request of

Also, CNAS announces that it initiated and completed yesterday “all the administrative procedures related to the Memorandum approving the supplementing of the limit of budget credits and commitment credits, for the month of September, according to the newly approved quartering and has already sent it to the advising ministries “.

After the approval of the Memorandum, CNAS will make the payments for medical services, medicines and sanitary materials, including for national health programs and those that are subject to cost-volume and cost-volume-result contracts, with a payment deadline in September, the representatives also say National Health Insurance House.

Chronic patients, left without medicines: “Lack of budgetary rectification blocked activity in hospitals”

National health programs have been left without funding for two days, and chronic patients are left without medication, being sent home from the hospital “without treatment and without any other solution”, announced on Tuesday the Alliance of Chronic Patients from Romania, the Association of Patients with Autoimmune Diseases – APAA and the Federation of Associations of Cancer Patients, three of the largest patient associations in Romania.

“The lives of Romanians are being extinguished and no one is responsible for all these avoidable deaths”, accused the representatives of the patients.

“We ask the Government of Romania to take urgent measures and unlock the necessary money for the medical system. We ask the National Health Insurance House to urgently publish the amount needed, until the end of 2023, for the implementation of the national programs”, it was stated in the call sent 3 days ago by the Alliance of Chronic Patients from Romania, the Association of Patients with Autoimmune Diseases – APAA and the Federation of Cancer Patient Associations.


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