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The economy to come: what will happen to productive and commercial activity after the STEP

The economy to come: what will happen to productive and commercial activity after the STEP
The drought that hit the country had a strong impact on the entire economy, which would fall between 2.5% and 3% this year (Reuters)

There will be much more recession due to political uncertainty, the clamp on imports, greater exchange restrictions, fiscal adjustment, acceleration of inflation, fall in real wages (Sigaut Gravina)

On the industry side, we see greater restrictions, which already exist today. Not only did AFIP lower the Financial Economic Capacity (CEF) of many companies, but the approval of the SIRA is postponed (Left)

“In the balance of the first semester, the industry recorded three months of monthly growth and three of decline,” said the LCG (EFE) consultancy.
Payments for already approved imports are stopped and the link between companies and foreign suppliers is tensed
The INDEC wage index rose 6.1% in June
International banks anticipated what will happen to the Argentine economy after the primary elections
The predictable challenges that await the management assumed by the Presidency and the Ministry of Economy
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