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The elections in Venezuela are not possible without the sole opposition candidate

Coexisting and negotiating with crime is not an option for democracy

In Venezuela The hypothesis is tried once again that it is possible to get out of a dictatorship of 21st century socialism through elections controlled by a system of transnational organized crime. Along this path, the result of the primary elections of the democratic opposition with 92.5% support, has produced a UNIQUE CANDIDATE who is María Corina Machadowithout whose participation elections are not possible.

Las dictatorships installed in Venezuela, Bolivia and Nicaragua and that controlled Ecuador for more than ten years, they are not national processes, they are the expansion of the Cuban dictatorship in the 21st century produced by Hugo Chávez, who in 1999 saved the Castro dictatorship from its period special and that with the timely death of the Venezuelan dictator he became head of a transnational organized crime system called “socialism of the 21st century” or “Castro-Chavism.”

Dictatorships are an irregularity, they are an expression of crime that violates international norms in the Americas. The Inter-American Democratic Charter, which is a constitutive treaty, mandates in its article 1 that “The people of America have the right to democracy and their governments the obligation to promote and defend it. “Democracy is essential for the social, political and economic development of the people of the Americas.”

Countries without democracy are anomalous and abnormal, they represent the aberrant validity of the violation of human rights as a system to indefinitely hold power, perpetrate and sustain drug trafficking crimes, human trafficking, international terrorism and all types of crimes with the personality of the states they control. Democracies and their heads of state and government not only have the need for reasons of their own security and survival to end dictatorships, they have a legal obligation that they do not comply with.

In this context, there is no precedent for the dictatorships of 21st century socialism to leave power through elections. It has been tried in Venezuela, Bolivia and Nicaragua with the results of more crimes with those who retain power. Ecuador has recovered democracy through the historic decision of President Lenin Moreno, who after coming to power as a candidate for 21st century socialism led the restitution of popular sovereignty, the rule of law and put an end to the narco-state.

In Venezuela the dictator has lost elections and has not handed over power, the opposition has won the majority of the Legislative Branch and there has been a legitimate government recognized by more than 60 countries, but the dictator has continued to usurp power through pure state terrorism. The greater the rejection and popular force for the dictator Nicolás Maduro to leave power, the response has always been – digitalized and repeated from Cuba – more persecution, more political prisoners, more torture, more exile and greater operation with the “functional opposition.” It is the same formula used by Castro-Chavismo in Nicaragua and Bolivia.

The dictatorships of socialism of the 21st century produce votes with which they supplant the name of democracy. They vote in Cuba, and Venezuela, Bolivia and Nicaragua have created a system of “electoral dictatorship” that I have defined as “the situation in which the people vote but do not choose.” Voting without freedom, without universal suffrage, with political prisoners and exileswith the falsified electoral registry, with manipulated electoral judges, with a functional opposition, without the rule of law and with the disqualification of candidates who can win, are some of the conditions of the electoral dictatorship.

María Corina Machado, by winning the opposition’s primary elections with 92.5%, resoundingly defeated both the dictatorship and the functional opposition. To the dictatorship because she made it clear that she would win the elections and remove the dictator from power, and to the functional opposition because she simply liquidated it, leaving it unable to exist as a disguise for the dictatorship.

Under these conditions, the dictatorial strategy consists of preventing María Corina Machado from being a candidate at all costs and rehabilitating her functional opposition so that it plays the game of falsifying an electoral dictatorship result.

Machado’s disqualification is unacceptable, it represents the end of the electoral process. It is just the repeated mechanism of falsifying elections by preventing a candidate with popular support, who beats them, from participating in the election. The disqualification of Machado is until now a dictatorial act, but it has been done through imprisonment and exile in Nicaragua and Bolivia and through murder in the case of Fernando Villavicencio in Ecuador.

In Venezuela there are no presidential elections possible in 2024 without the participation of María Corina Machadobecause she is the ONLY OPPOSITION CANDIDATE whom the dictatorship has turned into the ONLY CANDIDATE OF THE VENEZUELAN PEOPLE who want freedom and democracy.

Carlos Sánchez Berzain*

*Lawyer and Political Scientist. Director of the Interamerican Institute for Democracy

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