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The electoral trap continues in Venezuela

The electoral trap continues in Venezuela

Electoral manipulation continues in Venezuela. What did men of great faith believe? That with the unitary postulation of Edmundo González Urrutia, the outlaw and shameless Revolution was going to begin preparations for a peaceful transition? The DNA of narcotyranny is repressive, corrupt, but it is also deceitful, very deceitful!

For a long time, the members of the drug tyranny – including their frontmen or scorpions – justified their electoral tricks by the supposed radicalism of Mrs. Machado: “María Corina, she threatens us! She wants to put us in prison, us, who have not broken a single plate, nor murdered, kidnapped, tortured! Goodbye to the ‘little savings’ earned with our Messalina fury for dipping into the National Treasury!”

Until the moment of writing these lines, the computers of the National Electoral Council, CNE, chaired by the same butcher who has just served in the Comptroller’s Office as a captor of libertarian nominations, refuse to process the resignation of Manuel Rosales from his candidacy. Anything goes, for the felonious misgovernment, to prevent the avalanche of votes that demands an end to the Chavomadurista nightmare from gathering around González Urrutia.

Rosales, would do better to go personally to the electoral body headquarters and also, to record, yes or yes, his letter-resignation as a candidate and include in that same letter, the nomination of his own party, Un Nuevo Tiempo, of González. Urrutia to the head of state. Readers will be reminded that the MUD party is weighed by a ruling from the Supreme Court of Justice of January 25, 2018 that declared it illegal for supposedly violating the principle that prohibits “double militancy.” Until now, González’s only nomination has been been recorded by the MUD. At any time, they dust off that jurisprudence from there that it does not hurt to reinforce Gonzalez’s candidacy with the nomination of UNT.

As if that were not enough, the supposed electoral process that would culminate next July continues to be contaminated by repression, by the persecution of dissidents. Last Monday, the social fighter from the La Candelaria parish, Caracas, Carlos Julio Rojas, was added to the list of political detainees. The inter-American human rights system has cried out to Heaven over the violation of the headquarters of the Mexican embassy in Ecuador. We demand a similar outcry, due to the refusal of the pariah misgovernment of Nicolás Maduro, to grant the corresponding safe conduct to the leaders of the Vente Venezuela party, who remain refugees in the delegation of the Argentine Republic in Caracas.

Clean elections in Venezuela? Transition for good?

Until now it is a simple wish. Venezuelan democrats must not give up until we achieve it.


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