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The end of the pandemic, not its consequences

The United States ended the emergency phase due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the Mexican government wants to play “what does the hand, does the back” and we are about to also leave this health emergency, although the World Organization of Health is not in the same hurry as the politicians.

The truth is that in everyday life the emergency had already been left behind. Few use face masks and the López Obrador regime ended de facto vaccination when it imported a Cuban vaccine without international guarantees, but which helped the dictatorship financially.

Economically, the pandemic has left serious effects in a kind of sequelae of a long Covid-19 that still has not found a cure. In addition, other geopolitical “diseases” such as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine that have complicated the outlook for the global economy during the 1920s.

The expectation was to have another luck in this decade after the pandemic. The sociologist from Yale University, Nicholas Christakis, anticipated that after the emergency caused by the pandemic, a hedonistic disclosure would come, with excesses and waste, starting in the year 2024, just as it happened in the second decade of the last century, after all the calamities that accompanied the beginning of the 20th century.

It’s just that as we prepare the trap, which should start in just over eight months, we have to deal with a series of economic and political conditions that threaten that the end of the Covid-19 pandemic will not be the end of the consequences for the world.

The economic recovery is uncertain, the high inflationary levels do not subside, there could be serious consequences due to monetary medicines and, incidentally, the health of the banking systems is in doubt.

Politically, the poor economic condition of large sectors of the population in many countries is the perfect breeding ground for populists, extremists, and authoritarian regimes that only make things worse.

The International Monetary Fund accepts that they expected a robust recovery of the global economy that is not going to come. Three percent global growth is the maximum estimated by this body for the next five years.

Inflation, which not a few saw as a passing phenomenon at the beginning of 2021, is still present in most of the world with a component that threatens to make it more difficult to control: the heart of prices, underlying inflation, is infected.

Food prices do not relent in their rate of increase at the same time that the cost of money slows down economies and makes it difficult to service the debts of families, companies and the poorest countries.

And, incidentally, the banking crises in the United States and Europe remind us that financial systems have weaknesses that can spread and break everything down very quickly.

Christakis anticipated by 2024 a lot of partying, unbridled sex, a lot of money spent, all as a response to the confinement and the limitations of the pandemic.

Afterwards, he talked about the economic and inflationary consequences of those uncovered behaviors. Either we have to wait longer for the party to arrive or perhaps we are only left with the economic bills and without the party.

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