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The EU seeks to attract US tech talent in the face of changes in Silicon Valley – Hola News

Los Angeles (USA), Mar 22 (EFE).- The European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, Mariya Gabriel, presented this Wednesday the European Innovation Days in the Silicon Valley region (California ), with which they sought to attract talent and technology companies from the US to Europe.

“Innovation is key to solving the economic problems shared by the European Union and the United States, which right now have the largest and most active relationship possible,” Gabriel introduced at the beginning of this event.

A delegation of 40 representatives of large European companies, rectors, mayors, presidents of regions and unicorn companies also traveled to Silicon Valley this Tuesday and Wednesday to synthesize the advantages of choosing the Union as a destination for investment in innovation.

These conferences also served to bring to the US the New European Innovation Agenda, adopted on July 5 by the European Commission to try to capture potential within the “new wave of deep technology”, which brings together disciplines related to advanced science and engineering.

“EU member countries are the ideal place for deep tech talent. (…) We have mobilized unprecedented capital to invest in emerging companies: 110 million euros in 2021 alone”, argued Gabriel.

And he added: “The Union has more than 17 million students pursuing university education, more than a million researchers, half of the 200 best engineering faculties are in the EU. (…) and we are the authors of 20% of all patented applications”.

Likewise, there was a series of panels in which the coordination between the innovation ecosystems of the EU and the United States was addressed; the impact of universities and start-ups in these environments; as well as the role of women investors in the Union and in the United States.

The president of the European Innovation Council, Mark Ferguson, was also present and concluded that the link between the EU and the US must be strengthened through “joint work” and “technological advances” that bring development and allow solving “new social challenges”.

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