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The euro exceeds 210 pesos in the Cuban informal market


He euro It does not stop rising in the informal Cuban market and this Thursday it is trading at 213.00 CUP, the highest price it has had in the last year.

After more than a week selling at 210.00 CUP, the European currency revalued and rose three points, a new record in Cuba and surpassing other currencies, such as the US dollar, according to data compiled by the independent media. elTOQUE.

In the state Exchange Houses, the euro is sold at 137.52 CUP and is bought at 128.36 CUP, although the commercialization in these government facilities is not possible to buy more than 100 euros per person, a limitation that is not only unpopular, but also for some experts prevents there being a real exchange market in Cuba.

The dollar maintains its value of the previous day, at 205.00 CUP, but it is still higher than the price it reached in October of last year when it was sold at 196 CUP.

This situation, although it does not have clear causes, is related to the mismanagement of the Central Bank of Cuba and the Cuban government regarding exchange and monetary policy.

Inflation in Cuba, although it is multifactorial, is also given by the high levels that foreign currencies reach in the informal market, where the majority of citizens get their supplies and where they can acquire these currencies without restrictions, to buy basic necessities.

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