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The event that accelerates biological aging in women according to a Harvard study

The anti-aging effect can not only be achieved with a strict beauty routine, a healthy diet or sports training, it can also be achieved by avoiding these three factors which has recently highlighted a study from Harvard University and among which is one that exclusively affects women.

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It is important to differentiate between biological age and chronological age. Both are two different concepts that are used to assess the passage of time and the physical and health condition of a person. With chronological age we refer to the conventional age of the time elapsed since the birth of the person. An age based on the calendar and expressed in years, months, days, hours, etc.

On the other hand, biological age refers to the physiological and functional state of the organism of the person compared to the average of other people of the same chronological age. An age in which various factors such as health, physical condition, cardiovascular condition, muscle strength, hormonal balance and other biological markers become important.

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Therefore, the biological age depends in a certain way on us, since we will always have the option of incorporating into our day to day certain habits that help rejuvenate our organism or to age it.

It is precisely on the latter that the study carried out by Harvard University and published in The Harvard Gazettewhere they explain that they have discovered three factors that accelerate the biological aging of our organism.

The three factors that age according to Harvard

According to this Harvard study, these three events would be: pregnancy, coronavirus and surgery. Still, the researchers say that effects can be reversed once these events are behind us: “Traditionally it’s been thought that biological age just goes up and up, but we hypothesized that it’s actually much more dynamic,” says Jesse Poganik of Brigham’s Division of Genetics.

Something to which you add serious stress can lead to increased biological agebut “if that stress is short-lived, the signs of biological aging can be reversed.”

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To demonstrate this, in this study they took blood samples from elderly patients who had just undergone emergency surgery, both just after and before they were discharged. A procedure that they also followed with the patients with Covid-19, as well as in pregnant women.

The moment of pregnancy that most alters the biological age

The results of this study showed that those who underwent the tests experienced an increase in their biological age, descending afterwards and returning to eigenvalues a few days after the event.

In the case of pregnant women, the highest point of aging occurred at the time of delivery, reducing once recovered. In the case of women admitted with Covid-19women increased their biological age more than men, and after being discharged, the effects had reversed.

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These findings have challenged the concept that biological age can only increase throughout life and suggest that identifying certain interventions could slow down or even partially reverse that biological age.

In all of these cases, when stress was relieved in patients, “biological age could be restored.” This means that relieving stress can help the body recover in any of these three cases raised and could increase biological longevity.

Foods that help slow down aging

Another way in which you can also fight aging is found in the benefits of some foods. These are some of the rejuvenating foods What should you include in your diet to rejuvenate inside and out:

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  • Oranges, red and green peppers and kiwi they have in common a high concentration of vitamin C, which promotes the synthesis of collagen and elastin, which are responsible for reducing the appearance of signs of aging on the skin.
  • Shellfish, oily fish, mushrooms or eggsdue to its high content of Vitamin D. Recently, a team of British scientists revealed that healthy levels of this vitamin in the body can help slow down the aging process, while protecting against certain age-related diseases.
  • Olive oil, nuts, avocado or oats: They have a high Omega content. The best known for its antiaging properties is Omega 3, which has a powerful antiaging effect, as it prevents the skin from drying out and the dreaded lines of expression from forming. eggs, onion, lemon or nuts
  • Melon, apricot, clams and cockles They include retinol: it is one of the best active ingredients to slow down skin aging thanks to its multiple properties: anti-wrinkle, antioxidant, depigmenting, moisturizing, etc.
  • Eggs, onion, lemon or nuts are finally a good option because they incorporate the collagen, a protein that represents 30% of the total protein in our body, and which is responsible for keeping the skin firm, smooth and elastic

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