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The false operators do not give respite in La Plata and give advice not to fall into the trap

The Edelap company, in charge of the distribution of energy in La Plata and its surroundings, reported that in view of the recent events of public knowledge, where unknown persons pose as company operators for the purpose of theft or fraud, a series of tips so that users do not fall into the traps of criminals.

– Edelap company personnel cannot and should not enter the private home under any pretext.

– Edelap operates the networks that are located on public roads exclusively, with intervention up to each individual meter, outside private homes. The meters are located on the municipal line or in the common spaces designated for this purpose in the buildings.

-Edelap personnel are not authorized, for any reason, to enter private homes, nor to request any payment from users.

-All Edelap personnel travel in vehicles duly identified with the company logo and carry identification that may be required at all times.

When in doubt, we recommend prohibiting entry and reporting any attempt to enter a private home immediately to the police and to the company’s 0810 222 3335.

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