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The family of the young man who disappeared in Varela targeted the Police

Mother and daughter and sister of Lucas, united by anguish / Télam

Almost 20 days after his disappearance, relatives, friends and relatives of Lucas Escalante held a rally outside the offices of the Public Ministry, located on Avenida Presidente Perón at 400 Florencio Varela.

Present there was the mother of the 26-year-old who disappeared on December 9 in the Buenos Aires town of Florencio Varela along with his friend Lautaro Morello, who was found murdered and burned last week in a nearby field in Guernica.

“I am devastated. I can’t even speak. I want justice for Lautaro and for my son to return healthy, ”said Marcela Vázquez, mother of the boy who disappeared 17 days ago, with tears in her eyes.

The concentration started after 10 in the morning. There, in addition to asking for the “appearance alive of Lucas”, they demanded that they stop “covering up the Police”, while they held banners with photos of the face of the missing young man, which said “We are missing Lucas”. and “Your family awaits you.”

On the other hand, Lucas Escalante’s sister pointed to the two arrested for the crime of his friend, Lautaro Morello (18) and indicated that for her “there are more people involved.”

“We know that these two people who are in custody clearly have something to do with it. Not everyone signs an accusation against him and stays in the quiet cell without speaking or declaring. They do not declare I know they are within their rights, but there are two desperate families that need to know the truth. For me, there must be more people involved. My brother is a big boy. It is impossible that only two people have caught him and Lautaro,” said the woman, referring to Cristian Centurión, son of a senior commissioner and cadet of the force, and his cousin, Maximiliano Centurión, arrested last Friday the 16th after the analysis of security cameras and cell phone antennas.

It is that the latest records of Escalante’s communications coincide on the day and time with the area of ​​Cristian Centurión’s residence, located in the town of La Capilla, Florencio Varela’s party, as established by the investigations.

Meanwhile, the other detainee, Maximiliano Centurión, appears in Morello’s latest communications records and his cell phone antennas hit an area near La Capilla.

The investigators analyzed the images from a camera from a service station in Varela, in which Cristian Centurión is seen around 0.30 on December 10 loading gasoline in a white can.

Prosecutor Mariana Dongiovanni charged the Centurion cousins ​​with the crime of “double aggravated homicide due to treachery and cruelty” to the detriment of Morello.

Morello and Escalante were last seen last Friday, December 9, in the town of Bosques, Florencio Varela’s match, when the latter went to look for the other to go out to celebrate the victory of the Argentine National Team in a World Cup match in Qatar aboard a car that appeared on fire the next day.

Morello’s body was found around 9:30 p.m. on Thursday the 15th next to the Buen Ayre highway under construction, in Guernica, President Perón’s party, lying face down, “semi-calcined and in an advanced state of decomposition.”

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