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The family photo of William Levy and Elizabeth Gutiérrez after their separation

William Levy’s romantic life has been at the center of conversation in recent weeks, after rumors began to circulate of alleged infidelities when he was with Elizabeth Gutiérrez. However, the rupture of the celebrities seems to have been friendly, since they have met on several occasions to spend important moments with your children.

At the beginning of 2022, the soap opera actors surprised all their fans by announcing their separation. Prior to this, they had been in a relationship for almost 19 years and had two children together: Christopher and Kailey Levy.

Due to their little ones, both have met on multiple occasions and even shared photos together, which has aroused the illusion of fans of a possible reconciliation.


The family photograph in which William Levy and Elizabeth Gutiérrez appear was published on Kailey’s Instagram account, where they all appear celebrating the New Year. The four appear very smiling posing for the camera, while the description says “Happy New Year to all”.

The image was shared on January 3, 2023 and thousands of users have already left comments expressing their desire for the couple to reconcile and resume their relationship.

Screenshot of William Levy and Elizabeth Gutierrez’s New Year’s photo (Photo: Kailey Levy / Instagram)

Come back I love this couple this family I would like them to be together in this year 2023”, “What a sweet photo. Enjoy your precious family” Y “The best gift you can give your children is to be together”, were some of the phrases written by the followers.

Although it may simply be an estranged couple maintaining a friendly relationship to be the best parents; Many still hold out hope that this is the sign that William Levy and Elizabeth Gutiérrez will get back together.


After weeks of keeping silent, William Levy decided to respond to all the rumors that were being generated about the reason for his separation from Elizabeth Gutiérrez. He wrote a message on his Instagram story, where he said he’s been through a lot of rumors throughout his career, but that’s not why he’s going to keep quiet.

I have endured a thousand things and bad thoughts, because other unnamed people have dedicated themselves to doing it. To make me look like the bad guy, but there is a point where everyone believes that because one endures, one will never speak”, explained the actor of “Coffee with the aroma of a woman”.

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