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The fascist speech of Patricia Bullrich that deserved the response of her cousin and the networks

That Patricia Bullrich has a fascist speech and that she believes she owns the truth is not news to anyone.

And that is why, taking advantage of the launch of her main opponent within the party, the former minister of De la Rua decided to go out with the tip caps to blow up any possibility of dialogue, something that motivated all kinds of reactions.

Tweet by Patricia Bullrich
Tweet by Patricia Bullrich
Tweet by Patricia Bullrich
Tweet by Patricia Bullrich
Tweet by Patricia Bullrich
Tweet by Patricia Bullrich
Tweet by Patricia Bullrich
Tweet by Patricia Bullrich

So extreme was the separatist discourse of the former Minister of Security that even her cousin, former Senator Esteban Bullrich, called her to reflect so that she would take into account all the inhabitants of the country that she supposedly wants to govern.

Tweet by Esteban Bullrich

But Bullrich was obviously not the only one and the networks answered him with the same progrieta coin that only harms the country.

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