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The father of the Secretary of Tourism of Guerrero is killed in Acapulco

CHILPANCINGO, Gro. ( .- The father of Santos Ramírez Cuevas, Secretary of Tourism of Guerrero, was assassinated and his body was found on a street in downtown Acapulco.

The crime occurred on Wednesday, June 7, just the day of the birthday of the head of Tourism in the state.

In the morning, the official received public congratulations for his name day and, at night, when the death of his father Apolonio Ramírez Salinas was confirmed, condolences from authorities.

The discovery of a lifeless body was reported to the police at 12:10 p.m. on the closed street of La Mira, on the edge of the historic neighborhoods. Behind the El Mirador hotel.

Staff from the State Attorney General’s Office preliminarily reported that it was a man of about 65 years of age, deprived of life by hanging and who had blunt force injuries to the body. The body would have been thrown from a moving car.

The victim was identified as Apolonio Ramírez Salinas, father of the Secretary of Tourism of the state government.

At night, Governor Evelyn Salgado Pineda, the municipal president of Acapulco, Abelina López Rodríguez, and the federal Secretary of Tourism, Miguel Torruco Marqués, expressed their condolences to the official and his family.

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