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The federal government is planning a subsidy for households of up to 2000 euros – who is entitled

Due to the energy crisis has the federal government different Measures launched to the to relieve the population. These include the Electricity and gas price brake. In addition, VAT for gas was reduced from 19 percent to 7 percent. Help so should it for households that use oil, wood pellets or LPG heat. The exact regulations according to the Consumer Center with the federal states negotiated. What should the relief look like?

Consumers who do not benefit from the electricity and gas price brake because they heat with oil, wood pellets or LPGshould financially relieved become. The payout, so the Consumer Center further, is to take place across the countries. However, this is done not automaticallythere must be appropriate bills for the purchase of heating media between January and December 2022 from a government agency be submitted.

Up to 2000 euros subsidy: Who is entitled

However is not yet knownhow exactly this should be done and when the grant will be paid. It should be possible for households up to 2000 euros should be subsidized. Those whose bills are twice as high as in 2021 should be entitled. Then the state wants to pay 80 percent of what is more than twice the cost – “if it is at least 100 euros,” says the government Consumer Center.

It is not yet known when the application process will start. The federal and state governments are currently (as of Tuesday, February 7, 2023) in the voting process.

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