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The femicide of Daniela Radke reopens the wound of other afflicted families | THE TERRITORY news from Misiones

Sunday May 14, 2023 | 5:15 p.m.

The sequence leaves no room for doubt, backed by the sharpness of the recording of the camera system of the place: at 2:34 a.m. last Friday, May 5, the inert body of Daniela Radke (23) hung in front of the motorcycle driven by Alan Calixto C. (30) while leaving the tenancy on Avenida Néstor Kirchner, in the city of San Vicente.

In dialogue with El Territorio, a spokesperson for the case specified that at 2:15 an anonymous call alerted the firefighters about an alleged accident with deaths between May 2 and San Vicente, on national route 14. This made the Police mobilize, but at arrived they found nothing. “We believe that the murderer made the call to be able to dispose of the body more calmly,” the source confided.

Said hypothesis must be corroborated with the telephone expertise ordered by the Justice.

A few hours earlier, in the middle of the afternoon on Thursday the 4th, the person involved came to the victim’s house to look for her, since they had arranged to have dinner that night. The Radke mother and brothers saw him aboard his white motorcycle. He wore a helmet of the same color.

Minutes after 9 p.m. on Thursday, the girl made a video call to her mother, Nélida Dos Santos. She asked him how Aron, her 6-year-old son, was behaving, after which she commented that they were preparing a stew, that they were having dinner and her friend was taking her back to her house. It was the last time she was seen with her life. Daniela never returned and they only found out about her after noon on Friday, when a police commission arrived at the house asking for the girl’s description. Then the worst news. The young woman’s body was found at the access to the United neighborhood of San Vicente and her identification took a few hours, since she did not carry documents and she was not from the area. Piercings and a tattoo gave the first indications.

was strangled

Yanina Radke, the victim’s sister, said that she knew the suspect by sight, who was a friend of Daniela and other sisters because they trained boxing in the same gym.

“We never thought he would be able to do that because he seemed like a normal, calm person. That day she said they were going to eat a stew and then she would come back. At 9 at night she made a video call to my mom to tell her that she was fine, that she was having dinner and was coming back. But she did not come back because the damned murdered her, ”she lamented.

In the aforementioned video call, the victim’s mother identified an armchair that was later found at the home of the person involved. But the key evidence to find the suspect arose from the comparison of the recordings of the security cameras of the tenancy where he lived, since the sequence allows us to observe when they arrived on a motorcycle late on Thursday afternoon.

Likewise, the contribution of the recordings gave a shocking and forceful image, since it is seen that the defendant loaded the victim’s body on the front of the motorcycle and went out into the street. Then he returned alone.

As this medium has been reporting, the preliminary result of the autopsy determined “asphyxia by strangulation” as the cause of death. The marks on the girl’s neck certify it.

Meanwhile, the spokespersons consulted detailed that in the first report no indications were detected that the young woman was the victim of a sexual attack.

In this sense, although a few hours after the arrest of Alan Calixto C. it emerged that he had a record for crimes against sexual integrity, a high-ranking source specified that said charges correspond to another suspect who had the case in the first hours, who was later discarded.

“The detainee has a record, but for acts against property, not for sexual abuse,” he said.

refrained from declaring

The forensic report also corroborated the existence of semen in the victim’s body, material that was collected for the corresponding DNA comparison.

In this regard, there are indications that the young woman had consensual sexual relations with the suspect and that she was murdered in bed.

After perpetrating the crime, the person involved dressed the corpse and placed the underwear inside the pants. From there he loaded her onto the motorcycle, of which a film record remained, to dispose of the body in the United neighborhood. In the first instance, the victim’s cell phone was not found either, since the alleged perpetrator left his backpack and belongings at the premises of an acquaintance, who upon learning of his arrest notified the Police. Now the phone will be subjected to technical expertise in search of data that contribute to the cause.

Alan Calixto C. was captured on Monday the 8th when he was in the room he rented in the Néstor Kirchner avenue tenement.

As planned, last Friday he was transferred to the Investigating Court 3 of San Vicente, an instance in which he appointed an official defender and refrained from testifying.

Judge Gerardo Casco charged him with femicide, after which the person involved returned to his place of detention in the Second Section.

request for justice

Precisely, from said unit, a massive demonstration started last Wednesday to demand justice for the murder of Daniela Radke.

“Your Judge, justice for my mom,” read the sign carried by Aron, the victim’s son. “Justice”, “Not one less” and “Life for the murderer” were some of the slogans of the day.

Before the march, Pastor Alfredo Campos expressed: “Today we are the cry of those who can no longer ask for help. We simply ask for justice, because today it seems that we have to beg for justice. There is time for everything and today we have to cry for the murder of Daniela, and we ask God to give wisdom to the authorities to clarify the case and that justice be done.

Around 500 people participated in the demonstration that started from in front of the Second Sectional and moved to the headquarters of the Third Investigating Court, with intervention in the file.

Nélida Dos Santos, Daniela Radke’s mother, was broken and could barely stand up, for which she had to be permanently assisted by her other children. “We were nine siblings and now we are eight because a bloody murderer ruined all of our lives. Daniela was a good person, a loving daughter, a great sister and an excellent mother. There are no words for what they did to her, ”lamented her sister Yanina Radke.

“He destroyed our lives”

Daniela Radke’s family highlighted the police investigation for the speed in which they found the evidence that allowed the suspect to be identified and arrested.

“We have no complaints for the Police because they acted quickly and found the murderer. What we ask is that Justice act thoroughly and give him the maximum punishment. It destroyed our lives. My mother is very ill, and not even to think about my little nephew who lost his mother,” lamented Mara, Daniela’s sister.

Upon arriving in front of Investigating Court Three, the protesters demanded justice and requested the presence of Judge Gerardo Casco. After several minutes, the magistrate agreed to receive the victim’s mother and sisters.

“The judge attended us and told us that he is very committed to the investigation, that the Police have a lot of evidence and that we stay calm, that justice will be done. We told him that we want a life sentence and he told us that he is all set for that, ”Mara remarked. In turn, several women expressed their feelings out loud and demanded more security in a city that in recent years has suffered serious events, such as the femicide of Fiorella Aghem, the 20-year-old girl murdered by her ex Leopoldo Borovski, who later he was sentenced to life imprisonment.

The case of 15-year-old Candela Correa de Melo, who disappeared on February 3, 2018 and was never found, was also recalled.

Pablo Correa de Melo, Candela’s father, was present at the mobilization, as was Mercedes Pereira, Fiorella Aghem’s mother.

Femicide of Fiorella Itatí Aghem, chronicle of an announced crime

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