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The fight of the century: Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk would fight in a UFC cage

The fight of the century: Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk would fight in a UFC cage

After Elon Musk’s tweet, where expressed his willingness to engage in a UFC-style fight with Zuckerbergthe Meta CEO responded by sharing a screenshot of Musk’s tweet with the message “send me the location.”

After the publication of the story, Musk responded with two words: “Vegas Octagon”. He subsequently tweeted about a move of his called “The Walrus”, where he simply lies on top of his opponent doing nothing.

For those who are not aware, the situation is as follows: After the announcement that Facebook is developing a competitor to Twitter, Musk has been taunting Zuckerberg on the platform with provocative comments.

A slightly bizarre billionaires fight?

During an internal Meta meeting, Chris Cox, product manager, stressed that the company is looking for a version of Twitter that is “managed sensibly”, receiving applause for it. In a recent podcast interview, Zuckerberg expressed his belief that Twitter should have a billion users.

The fight between billionaire tech CEOs Musk and Zuckerberg promises to be epic. Musk, 51, claims to have an obvious physical advantage over Zuckerberg, and has shared his experience in “really tough street fights” during his youth in South Africa. On the other hand, the aspiring MMA fighter, Zuckerberg, 39, has already won Jiu-Jitsu tournaments and recently completed the challenging “Murph Challenge” workout in under 40 minutes.

Undoubtedly, a fight between Musk and Zuckerberg would be a highly entertaining event, regardless of the outcome. The expectation is great and they should not back down now.

Fountain: Deadline

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