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The fire has the Region on alert: again the Pereyra Park, where the flames consumed several hectares

A large-scale fire took place in the Pereyra Iraola Park. For this reason, firefighters from five towns had to intervene.

It happened in the largest green lung of La Plata and that unites several cities. It was at the height of 611 and 544, in the area that overlooks El Pato.

The voracious fire affected at least four hectares of grass, eucalyptus and pine trees, official sources reported.

Firefighters from La Plata, Gutiérrez, Florencio Varela, Hudson and Berazategui worked for more than eight hours to put out the sources of fire and the large flames that swept the region.

Because of this fact, several power lines that supply the residents suffered damage and nearby buildings “were threatened.”

a weekend in flames

One of the outbreaks that caused great concern and that took several hours of combat was the grassland fire in Berisso that caused large flames, which could even be observed from the highest points in the center of La Plata.

The event began on Sunday afternoon in a sector adjacent to Route 11, but in which, due to the characteristics of the terrain, with a canal that crosses it in the middle, there is no risk of the fire advancing towards populated sectors. .

Moments ago, another fire broke out in fields and pine trees at 185 and 524, where two fire crews work, and another at 183 and 38, in Olmos. So far this week, due to the extreme heat in the AMBA region, fire sources have also been recorded in Villa Elvira, Los Talas, Abasto, Romero and Tolosa.

The firefighter who moved everyone by saving puppies

In the midst of concern about the different forest fires that have been taking place in the middle of summer and with the incessant drought, there was a situation involving a firefighter that made people emotional.

It was days ago, when in the middle of fighting the flames in the Pereyra Iraola Park, the rescuer took care of giving her water and bringing a dog to safety along with several of her puppies.

In the video recorded by one of his companions, he grabs water that he was carrying in his backpack and used his helmet so they can drink. He also clearly sees how the dogs “jump” for joy and thank the firefighter.

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