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The five legs of the cat, by Gloria Cuenca

Local closure regime that sold food to opposition leader

Forgive me, my kind followers and my contradictory readers, I could not avoid the colloquialism that implies “looking for 5 legs to the cat”, when observing, with some surprise, the behavior of opinion leaders, analysts, political science specialists, pseudo leaders and even some leaders, among others, in the face of the overwhelming successes, the audacity, the bravery, the pride of our MCM leader.

They wonder, half surprised and perplexed: how is this possible? How do i do it? Unheard of, he arrived in a curiara to San Fernando de Apure; He went up the river at the junction with the Orinoco and arrived at Puerto Ayacucho! It seemed impossible, and she did it. Will she be brave? The motorists explained how they obtained the gasoline to wait for her and accompany her. Someone, who believes himself to be more alive than everyone, follows her. Perhaps, seeking to get some of that immense popularity and charisma that he displays everywhere he goes: he turns out to be the funniest, according to the explanations that are spread on the networks. Who’d say?

The males, the most macho in Venezuela, the llaneros, stopped gunning and went after MCM. Meanwhile, the women making empanadas, stood on the crest of the wave, daring to feed the opposition leader, without fear, without anger and under a bush of mamón. The residents of the indigenous area approached her and took her side. “Well,” my father, wise and knowledgeable about Venezuela, would say: “That is the true Venezuelan nation, the one that overcomes fear and dares to do everything when the circumstances warrant it,” especially, I add, when convinced that, they have been mocked, deceived, subdued by a group of liars of the worst kind.” He saw it coming.

Many of us realized; while others believed that the rope gave much more. Now, they realize that there is no pabilo, cabuya, mecate, that can resist the annoyance, displeasure, discomfort and incomprehension of a people who know they have been deceived. Trampled, in his dignity, defrauded, with evil intention. Mocked at his naivety.

You don’t have to look for the 5th. cat’s paw It’s clear. What happened? Everything was discovered and the truth was known: theft, bad intentions, corruption, mischief, lies. Never a truth, always all kinds of manipulations and garbage propaganda, to deceive those who, in good faith, one day believed them. Once the “dirty game” was discovered, they quickly realized that there were some characters, “scorpions” they called them, and with the same speed that everything had been revealed, they were seen naked, with nothing and no one able to cover their faces. shamelessness.

It seemed like you didn’t notice what was happening! However, it was not so. Quickly, the people, the people, desperate and hungry, turned their eyes to the leadership. Quickly, now, they realized the “fantoches” who simulated everything: at the time of the little girls, they sold themselves for a few coins, dollars, they call them. (The lentil dish doesn’t work). They realized the misdeeds of those who tried to stay in power, with dissimulation, at the expense of money stolen from the people. The leader’s slogan, “Until the end,” gave them the idea of ​​how things were going to be. They remembered the clean trajectory of MCM, in the hard years: its direct confrontation, exclaiming, “expropriating is stealing.”

Her action as a deputy uncovering the “disguised surrender of the Esequivo.” Her attacks on her person, in the National Assembly itself, breaking her face and nose. Her impediment to leaving Venezuela to see her children. Her infinite courage, her confident serenity, her nationalist action, her dedication for Freedom, in the face of the bowing down of many, to always be ready, in the front row, willing to give up everything for the beloved Homeland.

There are those who never believed that she would stop being THE presidential candidate. In a historic act, whose significance for Venezuelan democracy will be declared at some point, she twice resigned from the candidacy, upon becoming convinced of the obtuse and evil actions of the rulers. Ah, what moments! How wonderful to have been a front-row spectator of the greatness of a woman, who gives everything for the country! I am 100% Venezuelan and with love, I assure you, that rarely, at this point in my life, at 83 years old, has it brought me a more complete happiness than the one I experienced on April 19, (coincidence or causality? ) of this year, when the unit was finalized.

Afterwards, numerous events have occurred that the contemporary history of Venezuela must recount and rejoice at having had the opportunity to return to Freedom and democracy at the hands of MCM and Edmundo González Urrutia. Leaders and leaders, serious, have joined this fierce battle to recover our beloved country, but we will always be indebted, to MCM and Edmundo, for this turn of hope, optimism and certainty of closeness and the possibility of achieving peace , the necessary change. I insist, do not look for the 5th. cat’s paw: MCM has earned the respect, admiration and affection of Venezuelans with his impeccable conduct and his accurate leadership.

We are with Democracy and Freedom Until the End!

Gloria Cuenca, Professor Emerita of the Central University of Venezuela.

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