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The fixed of the operation Vitor Roque delays the final agreement

The fixed of the operation Vitor Roque delays the final agreement

The Barcelona works piecemeal in the last hours to reach a final agreement with the Athletico Paranaense in order to sign Vitor Roque. The Barça club already has a closed agreement with the footballer who arrived a few days ago. The striker is very clear that his destiny will be the Camp Nou, so he has not wanted to negotiate with other clubs. In this regard, and unlike the Gler case, Barcelona has the player tied up for the work they have been doing for a long time Deco and André Cury. The only thing that remains for the operation to be closed definitively is the price of the transfer.

In the Bara they are already rubbing their hands: the last exhibition of Vitor Roque

At first there had been talk of 35 million fixed plus another 10 in variables. However, the Barça club wants to lower the fixed price and will have proposed pay 30 million and the rest in bonus according to performance. Negotiations with Paranaense continue and the Barça club hopes to reach an agreement shortly.

Vitor Roque drives a ball.EFE

What is clear is that Vitor Roque He will not join the Barça club this summer. At this moment there is no space in the wage bill for the striker to join Xavi’s squad. Initially, the idea is that he joins the team next January, but it has not been confirmed since he depend on how the wage bill is at that moment. If it were not so, the Brazilian would come for the next season.

For this exercise and after the announcement of the signing of igo martinez that took place this Wednesday, the Sports Department continues to work to strengthen the team for the next season. The goal is still to bring in a pivot to replace Sergio Busquets. oriol romeu He is the main candidate, but he is not the only one. Once this folder is closed and depending on the departures, the club will study if it can make more additions.

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