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The Frankfurter Rundschau on the strike: distribute wealth more fairly

Frankfurter Rundschau

Frankfurt (ots)

A quick agreement must now be reached in the collective bargaining rounds. For the employees who are struggling with the consequences of inflation and also for the population, for whom a long-lasting struggle will be increasingly difficult to sell. This does not mean that there is no understanding of the strike. On the contrary: Most people are aware that the employees have to earn a decent salary.

However, poverty and wealth are practically not an issue in public debates. It would be desirable if the current wave of strikes sparked a discussion that went beyond good wage agreements for individual occupational groups and sectors.

A discussion not limited to short talk show moments about poverty, about wealth and a more equitable distribution of wealth. Solidarity with employees at the railways and in the public sector can be a first step towards this. Politics is then also required, for example when it comes to wealth and inheritance taxes.

Press contact:

Frankfurter Rundschau
Politics department
Phone: 069/2199-3989

Original content from: Frankfurter Rundschau, transmitted by news aktuell

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