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The Frente de Todos was involved in a conflictive climate and hopes to lower the tension at the PJ meeting

On Friday the vast majority of the leaders will meet in the PJ. Sergio Massa will not be part of the game because his Renewal Front is outside the party

There were a few calm days. Too few. He National government He fell back into a bottomless pit. The fierce inmate that runs through it from start to finish had multiple chapters in a few hours. There seems to be no way for the political link that unites the different sectors that make up the Frente de Todos to take shape.

There were two days in a row of bad news for the Casa Rosada. On Tuesday the rumors about a possible departure from Sergio Massa of the Ministry of Economy altered the Government and, mainly, the markets. In Balcarce 50 they attribute the fierce escalation of the blue dollar to the instability generated by the reports throughout that day.

The political result was negative. The now former Chief of Advisers to the President Antonio Aracre He was removed from his post. His name sounded like a possible replacement for Massa and the internal climate quickly became rare. In the Casa Rosada they already looked at him with suspicion because they considered that he leaked off the record to journalists. He submitted his resignation, notified him on Twitter and said goodbye.

The rumors infuriated Massa. The fullest public expression of that anger was signed by one of the most trusted leaders of the Economy Minister, the president of the Chamber of Deputies, Cecilia Moreau. “You have to stop screwing around with these speculations and operations and get to work”he maintained during an interview.

Antonio Aracre with Sergio Massa. A relationship that never flowed

In the Government they assure that they support Massa’s management at this very complex moment. It is not only a matter of logic, but also survival. If the minister does badly, the same will happen to the national government. They are not dissociated parts, although the governmental structure is completely divided. Explanations that come and go to try to find calm.

On Wednesday, criticism of Kirchnerism against Alberto Fernández arose again. The Minister of the Interior, Eduardo “Wado” de Pedroassured that in the Government there is still “officials that do not work”referring to the phrase that Cristina Kirchner used at the end of 2020 to question the management.

The appreciation of the Minister of the Interior fell very badly in Balcarce 50, where there is already a strong exhaustion regarding the permanent criticism of the main exponents of Kirchnerism. The degree of decomposition of the Government is so high that every day friendly fire destroys, a little more, the institutional image.

“He does work? Since when has he worked as a prosecutor for his fellow cabinet members? sentenced an important national official with direct access to Fernández’s office. The phrase resounded strongly in Kirchnerism, where they once again targeted officials who “hide behind the off.” There seems to be no way to pacify the internal climate.

Pedro’s “Wado” targeted the President and spoke of “officials that do not work”

The idea and return of reproaches occurs a few hours after a large part of the most representative leaders of the Frente de Todos meet in the PJ Council, a space that will serve to begin to plant the rules of the game for the elections, and discuss the path to follow in the midst of the economic and political crisis on which the Government is standing.

Among the councilors there is an expectation that the meeting could be a space to propose the way in which the ruling party must cope with the internal one, taking into account the proximity of the elections. In the Casa Rosada and in Kirchnerism they assure that it will only be a moment to arrange the formalities. Almost a procedure.

What largely exists is a high level of anxiety of the political leadership to order the electoral front and draw up some kind of territorial strategy. So far each one plays their game and tightens the rope, but there is no joint work to determine the steps to follow. There is not even clarity about how the lists will be mixed after the PASS.

The will of a large majority of directors is to lower the tension and put the cards on the table. Shuffle and deal again. Trying to make the party space serve to release tensions and achieve a clearer order, anchored in the formal and regulatory discussion of the PJ. All this process will take place in a conflictive climate, loaded with rumors and crossovers. The result is a big unknown.

Keep reading:

The Casa Rosada responded to “Wado” De Pedro and the inmate broke out again days after the PJ Council: “Does he work?”
With requests for Alberto Fernández and Cristina Kirchner to resume dialogue, the FdT will begin to discuss electoral rules
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