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The fuel allowance of 100 euros can be requested from January 16

The fuel allowance of 100 euros, replacing the general rebate which ended on December 31, may be requested from January 16 on the website impots.gouv.fraccording to a decree published this Wednesday, January 4 in the “Official Journal”.

Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne announced at the beginning of December that the fuel rebate would be replaced at the beginning of January by an allowance of 100 euros reserved for the 10 million most modest workers, via aid paid in one go, for 2023, concerning households located in “the first five deciles” income, i.e. a reference tax income of less than 14,700 euros in 2021.

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This compensation represents a discount of around 10 centimes per liter at the pump. The Minister of Economy and Finance Bruno Le Maire subsequently mentioned the date of January 16 for this change.

All affected vehicles

This Wednesday, a decree published in the OJ confirms “the creation of a fuel allowance for workers using a vehicle for professional purposes (…) intended to limit the effects of rising fuel costs for households using a vehicle for professional purposes”.

The text specifies that the claim for compensation may be “formulated between January 16, 2023 and February 28, 2023 by dematerialized means using a form made specifically available to applicants on the website”.

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She will “paid by the Directorate General of Public Finance, after processing the applications, to the bank account communicated to the tax authorities for income tax by the tax household to which the eligible applicant belongs”.

This aid applies to any type of vehicle, including two-wheelers. It represents an envelope of around 1 billion euros, said Elisabeth Borne. The general rebate on fuel taxation, which expired at the end of December, has already cost the State some 8 billion euros, “the equivalent of the budget of the Ministry of Justice”had specified the Minister of Public Accounts, Gabriel Attal.

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