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the future of computing

the future of computing

He storage of information It is a fundamental need for computing. As the amount of data we generate and consume grows exponentially, the ability to store it efficiently and sustainably becomes an increasing challenge.

A promising technology to address this challenge is holographic storage. A technique that allows recording three-dimensional images such as crystals or photopolymers, using light. In the context of data storage, holography is used to encode information in an array of points of light.

According to specialists, this process uses interference patterns optics inside a material photosensitive optical to encode information. Start with a laserwhose beam luz It is divided into two that will be capable of interfering with the photosensitive material, to record a certain pattern.

Depending on whether the interference is constructive or destructive, they will create patterns that can be interpreted as strings of digital bits. By adjusting aspects such as the angle of the reference beam, its wavelength or the position of the medium, a large amount of information can be stored in a small volume.

To read the data, professionals in the field explain that the same reference beam that was used to create the hologram is reproduced, illuminating the specific interference pattern. “The light is diffracted on this pattern and projected onto a detector that reads the data in parallel, processing more than a million bits simultaneously. This technique allows for high storage density and fast data transfer rates.”

Los systems Holographic storage offers a number of advantages over traditional technologies. Firstly, they have a much higher density, meaning they can store more data in a smaller space. Secondly, they are more durable and less susceptible to physical damage. Third, they are more environmentally friendly since they do not require moving parts.

In recent years, there has been significant progress in the development of holographic storage systems. Companies like Microsoft, IBM y Intel They are working to commercialize this technology.

Experts believe that holographic storage has the potential to revolutionize the future of computing. It could enable the development of new applications and services that require large amounts of data, such as virtual reality, artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Benefits of holographic storage

Among the benefits of holographic storage are significantly higher storage density than traditional technologies, greater durability and resistance to physical damage, lower environmental impact, potential applications of holographic storage, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, machine learning, cybersecurity, storage on the cloud.

Holography also offers ecological benefits. By not requiring physical moving parts, holographic storage systems have the potential to be more durable and less polluting.

This technology, experts consider, faces several drawbacks that have prevented its mass commercialization. Manufacturing the components needed for holographic storage, such as photosensitive materials and precise laser systems, is quite expensive.

This makes the devices more expensive compared to existing storage technologies. Additionally, the photosensitive materials used may be sensitive to environmental factors such as light, temperature and humidity, affecting the stability and durability of stored data.

(email protected)

Source: TyN Magazine, Xataka, Very Interesting

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