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The goalkeeper Broun liquidated Tevez after his time as DT of Rosario Central

“The truth is that I did not have a very good relationship with Tevez. I didn’t feel important at any time. And so I told him: that I didn’t even feel part of the team, ”Jorge Broun revealed when talking about Carlos Tevez and the lazy step of him as coach of Rosario Central.

Speaking to the program soccer stampthe ‘Canalla’ goalkeeper admitted: “When he came to look for me next to the Rifle Castellano to ask me what was wrong with me and after listening to me there he did tell me a lot of things, that I was very important because of everything I meant to the club and for the group. I never felt that way though.”

“I never had his support when he was head coach of Central,” said ‘Fatura. And he struck him down by saying that “the first game I had to tackle with him was on the Argentinos Juniors field. I was coming back from a long injury and I found out that same day that I am going to start, but he never came to talk to me or anything like that.”

“In the pre-game talk, minutes before entering, he tells me ‘you have the responsibility to play and do it like before the injury’. At no time did he congratulate me on how I had been saving in practice or confirmed that I had won ownership. These are details that add up,” he concluded.

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