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The government appointed Greta Pena to replace Victoria Donda at INADI

The government decided to extend the intervention of the National Institute against Discrimination (INADI) after the slam of Victoria Donda, who left office amid strong criticismand in her place named the lawyer and journalist Greta Marisa Pena.

The brand new intervener in the INADI She served until today as Undersecretary for Diversity Policies in the orbit of the Ministry of Women, Gender and Diversity. Pena presents herself as a specialist in public policies in the field of human rights, equality and non-discrimination.

Greta Marisa Pena, new auditor at INADI.

Pena disembarks in the INADI with important antecedents, including works on issues of disability, gender, sexual diversities, ethnic-racial communities, religious diversities and access to justice.

In the government they highlight their action as founder of the civil association “100% Diversidad y Derechos”, which has been in existence for thirteen years in the defense of human rights. The new intervener is recognized at the Inter-American Court of Human Rights in Costa Rica, where she spoke on sexual diversity and gender identity.

Greta Pena was an official in the Ministry of Women, Gender and Diversity.

Now, the journalist will play a new role about which she said: “I come to INADI to be the beacon of the consensus that we were building as a society, based on freedom, equality and non-discrimination for any condition”.

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