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The government could extend the pension moratorium by decree

The Executive Director of the National Social Security Administration (ANSES), fernanda ravertaI affirm that There are 800,000 people who need this pension moratorium law, “because they will be able to retire this year.” In addition, he assured that “only 1 in 10 women” have the 30 years of corresponding contributions to retire.

The project to extend the pension moratorium that expired in December 2022 is among the initiatives that the Executive sent to Congress together with the call for extraordinary sessionsremembered fernanda raverta by demanding that opposition legislators agree to discuss the initiative.

National Social Security Administration. Source: (

Faced with the opposition’s decision to “block Congress” in rejection of the request for Impeachment of the members of the Court, fernanda raverta warned that the government is considering extending the moratorium that expired in December through a Decree of Necessity and Urgency.

The claim of the official ANSESit has to do with him “Pension debt payment plan”, known as pension moratorium, whose treatment will be resumed on Wednesday, February 1 in the Chamber of Deputies. If the request did not find an echo among the opposition legislators, Raverta warned that The government analyzes the possibility of extending the measure by Decree.

Deputies meet in the National Congress. Source: (Chronicle)

The former legislator for Buenos Aires claimed that the opposition “Come down to work, to sessions and allow us to discuss the Law”which already has half the approval of the Senate, but could not obtain final approval in December due to lack of a quorum.

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