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The Government enacted the new pension moratorium that allows debts to be canceled to retire

The Government promulgated the Social Security Moratorium law that will benefit 800,000 people, according to the Executive Power. Avveda to the keys

By iProfessional

14/03/2023 – 09,20hs

The Government promulgated the Social Security Moratorium law that will benefit 800,000 people, according to the Executive Power. It was sanctioned by Congress last week and was published in the Official Gazette through Decree 132/2023. It is aimed at citizens who have not paid 30 years of contributions and are of retirement age.

The decree has the signature of President Alberto Fernández, the Chief of Staff Agustín Rossi, and the Minister of Labor, Kelly Olmos, and ensures that pending payments will be deducted directly from the pension they will receive monthly.

Law 24,241 dictates that, in order to retire at the age of 60 women and 65 men, they must have 30 years of contribution. But in this case, according to the enacted legislation, those who can pay outstanding installments have to go back to periods prior to December 2008.

For his part, those who are 10 years away from reaching retirement age, may regularize pending payments prior to March 31, 2012. TThe payments will also be deducted from the retirement they will receive.

Only one in ten women and three in ten men have 30 years of contributions at retirement age, while there is an average that indicates that workers have between 14 and 17 years of contributions.

The Government enacted the new pension moratorium

Pension moratorium: the points you need to know

Between accusations and Chicanas, the draft payment plan for the pension debt was approved in Congress with 134 positive votes and 107 negative. In this way, this initiative that contemplates different points is launched.

Who benefits from the new law?

This new payment plan offers the possibility of accessing retirement and regularizing the pension debt to Argentine citizens who do not reach 30 years of contributions.

How much will the monthly fee be?

As detailed from the ANSES, those interested who owe the 30 years of contributions They must pay a monthly fee of $4,000.

Requirements: who can access?

People who have already reached retirement age will be able to access. That is, women 60 years of age or older and men 65 years of age or older who do not have the necessary 30 years of contributions. And people who have not yet reached retirement age. That is, women between the ages of 50 and 59 and men between the ages of 55 and 64 who already know that, upon reaching retirement age, they will not have 30 years of contributions.

The Chamber of Deputies approved the new pension moratorium debt plan on Tuesday.

How will the pension debt be regularized?

People who have already reached retirement age will be able to regularize missing periods up to and including December 2008 in monthly installments that will be deducted from retirement. And people who have not yet reached retirement age will be able to regularize missing periods up to and including March 31, 2012, identifying the periods to be regularized and canceling them according to their possibilities.

How many retirees does this initiative benefit?

With the Pension Debt Payment Plan 800 thousand Argentines and Argentines who during this year meet and have the required age will be able to access the cancellation of their debt pension to retire. And, in addition, close to 900,000 workers will be able to identify missing contribution periods and cancel them early before reaching age.

How to access retirement without 30 years of contributions?

The ruling party was finally able to sanction the law that establishes a new pension moratorium so that people of retirement and pre-retirement age can cancel contribution debt and access a minimum retirement. After eight months stuck in the Chamber of Deputies, the Frente de Todos was able to approve the project with the help of allies and after having achieved just enough quorum.

The initiative, promoted by Kirchnerism from the Senate and approved there in June of last year, establishes that people who in 2022 and 2023 reach retirement age (60 years for women, 65 years for men) and are less than 30 years of contributions required by the general regime can cover the pension debt with a payment plan.

In this respect, the new system is similar to the moratorium that governed between 2014 and last year, although now the possibility of paying the missing years 10 years in advance for those people who are not yet of retirement age but know that they do not have the amount of contributions they will receive.

To do this, they will have a payment plan in up to 120 installments that will be deducted directly from the retirement credit obtained through the program.

The head of ANSES, Fernanda Raverta, celebrated the implementation of the new regulations.

The novelty of the law is that it will allow women between the ages of 50 and 59 and men between the ages of 55 and 64 who know that they will not reach retirement age with the minimum amount of contributions to anticipate and start paying the periods missing to guarantee access to a credit.

In these cases, contribution cancellation units may be paid, which are equivalent to one month of services, and will have a fixed value of 29% of the minimum tax base of remuneration. The idea proposed by the law is to maintain a correspondence with what active and blank workers contribute to the social security system.

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