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The Government expanded the agenda of the extraordinary sessions to include the “Lucio Law”

President Alberto Fernández decided to expand the agenda of initiatives to be dealt with by the National Congress, in the period of Extraordinary Sessions, to incorporate the so-called “pike law”. It seeks to promote the creation of a “Federal Training Plan” that will have a continuous, permanent and mandatory nature on “the rights of children and adolescents.

The pike law tries to train the agents of public institutions to detect signs of family violence, an initiative that arose from the repercussions of the case of the murdered child in the province of La Pampa and as a result of Alert situations that were not noticed in time by officials and agents from different levels of the state.

The murder of little Lucio Dupuy inspired the Lucio Law project.

The decree with the signature of President Alberto Fernández, published in the Official Gazette, requests in article 1 that the pike law be dealt with by the “Honorable Congress of the Nation” and, as of its approval, a training plan for public officials “to act in situations of violence against minors” is established.

The Project of the pike law has already been sanctioned by 228 favorable votes in the Chamber of Deputies and is missing the approval of the Senate to be finally converted into law. The intention of the Government is that it remain in force definitively, when there are a few days left before the verdict for the crime of the child is known.

The Lucio Law was included in the agenda of the extraordinary sessions.

Lucio Dupuy was murdered in November 2021 at his home and the motherMagdalena Esposito, and the woman’s partner, Abigail Páez, accused of the crime of “Qualified homicide and grossly outrageous sexual assault”.

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