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The Government reacted with irony to the announcement that Macri will not be a candidate

Gabriela Cerruti, denied that Argentina is “isolated from the world”, as the former president put it, and uploaded photos of Fernández with international leaders

By iProfessional

26/03/2023 – 12,25hs

The news shook the political world: Mauricio Macri assured that he will not be a candidate in the next elections. AND The reaction of the national government did not wait and it came loaded with irony. The one in charge of coming out at the crossroads of the criticisms made by the former president in his video of just over six minutes against the national administration, was the presidential spokesperson, Gabriela Cerruti.

Thus, he took Macri’s phrase in that Argentina is “isolated from the world” and published a series of photographs of President Alberto Fernández surrounded by international leaders.

During his message, Macri was hard with the course of the Casa Rosada. He said that “we are adrift, without driving, isolated from the world and alone”, and assured that this situation causes him “anguish in the middle of his chest”.

Assumism, he said that trust the “learning” of these years and launched, in a clear dart towards Alberto Fernández: “We are never going to have a puppet as president again.”

The government’s response

An hour and 40 minutes after these expressions, the presidential spokesperson was in charge of transmitting how the decline of Macri’s candidacy and criticism of the Frente de Todos fell on Balcarce 50. Cerruti limited himself to saying: “Isolated from the world. Good Sunday”. To the post he added photos of Fernández together with his peers of other nationalities.

In these images appear the Brazilian president, Luis Inacio “Lula” da Silva; and that of France, Emmanuel Macron; as well as participations of the Argentine president in international summits and forums.

It also included confirmation from the White House that Fernández will be received by his American counterpart, Joe Biden, next Wednesday, March 29, to celebrate “200 years of bilateral relations” between the two countries.

“The presidents will discuss how United States and Argentina they can continue to partner to address global challenges, and continue to build progress in areas of mutual interest, including critical minerals, climate change, space and technology. They will also discuss international cooperation, while sharing values ​​of inclusion, democracy and protection of human rights,” says the statement shared by Cerruti and previously published from the United States.

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