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The great ketchup dilemma: in or out of the fridge

The great ketchup dilemma: in or out of the fridge

Pennsylvania-based company Heinz sparked the debate by tweeting on its UK account: “FYI: ketchup goes in the fridge!”

Heinz tried to resolve this dilemma by launching a poll on his Twitter account. In the Twitter post there were divergent and funny opinions on this matter that has sparked controversy in the homes of many families.

Let the battle between the “neveristas” and the “exterioristas” begin.

In the corner of the “refrigerators”, who defend that ketchup belongs to the cold and mysterious depths of the fridge, we find lovers of order and tradition. That, according to them, ketchup in the fridge guarantees a fresh texture and adequate preservation of its flavor. They claim that opening the fridge door and finding a bottle of very cold ketchup is an inexplicable pleasure, a kind of “sauce in paradise” for those who value rigor in life.

But in the other corner are the brave “outsiders” who passionately advocate that ketchup is better out of the fridge. These rebel free-flow advocates argue that ketchup is acidic and full of preservatives, so it doesn’t need cold to stay fresh.

In the midst of this battle, there are those who have found a “solution”: the “middle cupboard” that is neither cold nor hot; it has a cool temperature. Thus, they ensure that the sauce remains in good condition without sacrificing the ideal temperature to enjoy its flavor. With this option, it seems that both sides can live in harmony. At the very least, avoid unnecessary arguments while eating!

While others say that there is no noticeable difference between the ketchup kept in the fridge and the ketchup that lived outdoors.

In the end, the survey on the Twitter account gave victory to the neveristas with 63% in their favor, while the exterioristas had 37% in the survey. So most of them thought that this condiment should be kept in the fridge.

The location of ketchup will continue to be a matter of contention in everyone’s homes. Meanwhile, fast food restaurants will have to take sides in this flavor war.

And you, what is your opinion? Are you a refrigerator or do you dare to defy the rules and join the refrigerators? The fate of your ketchup is in your hands. Let the ketchup battle continue!

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