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The growth of ‘little’ Rodri: "Nobody was going to think that that boy who was 11 years old was worth 80 million"

Rodrigo Hernndez Cascante. Rodri, his nom de guerre in football. author of most famous goal in Manchester City history. He gave the club the Champions League in Istanbul. its market value, 80 million euros, according to Transfermarkt. He Rayo Majadahonda (Madrid) was his first club. At eleven years old, he wore a T-shirt with the bemiser logo, a brand then based in Cuarte de Huerva (Zaragoza), a town with 14,169 inhabitants. The logo on his t-shirt was Beautiful valleylater merged in 2003 with Sacyr, the current brand specialized in infrastructures.

It measures 1.91 cm. So it was little. He gave the lurch late. today you saw Cougar in the City; adidas in the selection and fit Nike in boots, light blue. It touches all the sticks of the big multinationals. Rodri could not give FIFA training rights to Rayo Majadahondawhen leaving with 11 years -FIFA recognizes 5 percent of the total amount of international transfers from the age of 12-.

Rodri reveals how “Rodri’s on fire” was born: “It came about in five minutes, but it doesn’t make sense…”

Enrique Vedia, president of Rayo Majadahonda, traces in EFE the road map of a humble club, through which several Spanish and European soccer internationals have passed. From Pepe Reina to Rodri Hernndezgoing through the brothers Theo and Lucas Hernndez.

We hit the first prestigious pitch with Pepe Reina

Enrique Vedia

“We hit the first prestigious pitch with Pepe Reina, who started here as a footballer. It was a child who would drop to the ground to pick up the balls; You can already see him as a goalkeeper”, jokes the president of the club.

When he hears Rodri’s name, he immediately visualizes his child figure. “I remember that in that batch of soccer players where the Hernndez brothers were and other footballers who have played in the First and Second Division, Rodri was a boy who stood out. He was someone important”Be the.

Rodri was a boy who stood out. he was someone important


“Those who are good are more noticeable when they are little; the difference is more visible. Although no one was going to think that this 11-year-old boy was worth 80 million euros a few years ago, “he continues. Rodri, although it is hard to imagine him at present due to his 1.91 meter height, raised doubts during his training because of his height.

We knew it would stretch; but he already did it at Villarreal

Enrique Vedia

“He caught the growth later. The father is a tall man and the mother is not short. We knew it would stretch; but he already did it at Villarreal. And now he is one of the tallest players in the Spanish team.”, notes Enrique. A period for Rodri together with Lucas Hernández of which they also keep memories at the club in the form of photographs.

world figures

Rayo Majadahonda has grown thanks to the economic return of its homegrown players who have become world figures. Now, in the Majariego club they enjoy and boast of those children. Rodri Hernndez scored the goal that gave Manchester City the first ‘Champions’. The high point of a career that started at Rayo Majadahonda. He shared a team with Lucas Hernndez. His brother Theo also took his first steps on Cerro del Espino. From the departures of Lucas and Theo both to Atlético de Madrid they received a total of 8.32 million euros for training rights; more than double the club’s budget last season. 1.92 million euros from the transfer of Theo Hernandez to Real Madrid and 6.4 from Lucas to Bayern Munich.

“There is also a percentage of the transfer of the player. In the case of the Hernández it was easy because from here they went to Atlético and from there the great leap. In the case of Rodri it was different because he was with us when he was a juvenile in his first year and in his second year and in the children’s debut at Atlético de Madrid, but in youth he goes free to Villarreal”comment.

“With Theo Hernndez it was easier. Madrid takes him, who paid 24 million euros; from there, 8% corresponds to us, 1.92 million,” says the president of Rayo Majadahonda.

Rodri’s goal (1-0) at Manchester City 1-0 Inter Milan

A healthy economy

Some amounts received for the departures of Theo and Lucas Hernndez that have helped Rayo Majadahonda to “have an enviable situation” in its category -First RFEF-, as its president assures, and that It allowed them to seal their promotion to the Second Division with economic power for the 2018-2019 season.

If we hadn’t collected the thing from Theo and Lucas Hernandez, we wouldn’t have been able to be in the Second Division

Enrique Vedia

“If we hadn’t collected the thing from Theo and Lucas Hernandez, we wouldn’t have been able to be in the Second Division,” says Enrique Vedia. Some income from training rights that allow the Madrid club to make improvements to its facilities and increase their base football.

“We invest the money in the more than 40 federated teams that we have, in the facilities, as a last generation artificial grass that we changed last year and that it cost more than 200,000 euros, we have built a gym… the club has more category”, he comments.

A Majadahonda Ray that, when it was promoted to the Second Division it had 197 members, and now it reaches almost 1,600. A growth process during which it became a Sports Public Limited Company (SAD), fulfilling the obligation of the Higher Sports Council by playing in the silver category of Spanish football.

“We’re ok. We have no debts, we pay everyone on the 1st; we are in good health. Budget we are very close to 4 million; the whole club. We have a school with 800 children and more than 40 federated teams”, says the president.

The agreement with Atltico

Rayo Majadahonda and Atlético de Madrid enjoy a collaboration agreement whereby they share Cerro del Espino, the training ground for both clubs and where Rayo Majadahonda plays its matches. The sports center is owned by the municipality of Majariego.

In addition, in this agreement, the group that currently plays in the First RFEF he receives money for his youngsters who stand out from the rest and go to the rojiblanca quarry to continue his football career; as was the case of Rodri and the Hernndez brothers.

“Fortunately we We have an agreement with Atlético de Madrid that when a player from our academy goes to Atlético de Madrid they give us amounts depending on whether the kid plays from youth; if later the selection also calls him… of various objectives”, points out Enrique Vedia.

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