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The head of intelligence of the CIA and the head of the Russian secret service analyzed the Wagner mutiny together

The head of intelligence of the CIA and the head of the Russian secret service analyzed the Wagner mutiny together

The mutiny, rebellion, threat of a coup d’état or whatever they want to call the “Caravan of Justice”, as Prigozhin described the columns of mercenaries who threatened to reach the Kremlin, was the excuse for an intense conversation between William Burnsdirector of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and his Russian counterpart Sergei Naryshkin.

In a statement to the agency TASS Naryshkin, head of the Foreign Espionage Service of the Russian Federation (SVR), revealed that he had an extensive conversation with Burns and together they analyzed the situation in Ukraine and Russia. The head of the CIA prefers to remain silent and avoids confirming or denying those statements that have been echoed since the New York Timesto the Wall Street Journal and the British newspaper Guardian.

“What to do with Ukraine?”

In the conversation, the Russian also reveals that the two super spies openly addressed: “What to do with Ukraine.” The dialogue took place last month and according to NaryshkinBurns reflected on the riot that was underway or said in his words, of “The events of June 24”. At that time, no agreement had yet been reached with the mercenary army of the wagner group that they had already occupied a Russian city and their columns were advancing on Moscow.

In the conversation, for approximately one hour, according to the Anglo-Saxon press, the head of the INC had guaranteed to Naryshkin that the United States had nothing to do with that revolt nor had it intervened, instigated or maneuvered in any way to cause it to take place.

At the end of the NATO Summit in Vilnius, Biden called Putin a “coward”.

This conversation demonstrates that the lines of communication between the Kremlin and the White House remain open despite the harshness of the war and, incidentally, untimely statements by Joe Biden.

The President of the United States has tightened the rope on several occasions when addressing putin in offensive terms. The last time was just a few hours ago. At the end of the NATO summit in Vilnius, Biden called Putin a “coward.”

The last known contacts between the intelligence services dated back to November of last year. Williams Burns and Sergei Naryshkin held a meeting in person, or face to face, in Ankara. At that time, Türkiye was trying to exercise its good offices with erdoğan to achieve a truce between Ukraine and the Russian Federation.

that episode Burns dismissed him by assuring that “he was not carrying out negotiations of any kind” and denied that they had “discussed an agreement” to put an end to the Russian invasion in the Ukraine, of which they have already more than fulfilled more than 500 days.

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