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The heartfelt words of Mayans upon returning to the Senate after hospitalization

From the new space, the senator for Jujuy who will preside over the new bloc, Guillermo Snopek, affirmed that “they are not looking for confrontations”, while Alejandra Vigo announced that they want to discuss “a more federal agenda” in the Senate.

At the end of the preparatory session in which the Senate authorities were ratified today, Mayans told the press that this morning he met with the members of the new Peronist bloc Unidad Federal and that he is working for a consensus session “with all the blocs.” .

“They have an agenda that they want to share with us and I told them that there is no problem, in everything that can be agreed upon,” he said of the five senators who formed a new political space. “In everything we see possible regarding the issue of the Government, we have no problem accompanying them,” said the head of the FdT senators, and announced that “a difficult year is beginning because it is an electoral year.”

“I have no doubt that all of us who are here are fighting for the good of Argentina. We have different opinions on how to move forward; in some cases we agree and in others we have coincidences,” he said before, at the beginning of the preparatory session. .

“More than ever, that hug that Perón had with Balbín and that he said to this country either we all fix it together or no one fixes it is a reality because Argentina is going through a very difficult time, many people are suffering,” he considered.

The Formosa legislator said he expects “a dialogue among all” so that “the commissions can be formed this year and each one present the ideas they have.”

“We bet a lot on dialogue. An election year is always difficult. We have many issues ahead of us such as the approval of the specifications of judges, prosecutors and defenders, the Lucio Law and we are talking about a consensus session with the different blocks,” he said.

Mayans said that he is committed to “having a year of consensus” and maintained that “each sector wants to make its vision of the country felt in an electoral year” for which reason they must “find common themes with the opposition” such as the alignment of “prices and wages”.

In a press conference prior to the session, Guillermo Snopek, the president of the new block formed yesterday, Federal Unity, assured that they are not looking for “confrontations” but rather focus on a greater “centrality” in terms of the discussion of the issues that concern them. to the provinces. Snopek agreed with Mayans on the need to “think from a place of consensus” in the “future of the country and not in personalities” and referred to “inflation that exceeds us and leaves salaries in Argentina on the floor.”

Alejandra Vigo, the senator for Córdoba, wife of Governor Juan Schiaretti, who will also integrate the new bloc, explained that the idea of ​​the new space “is to emphasize a federal agenda” and that this will be “the engine to discuss issues.”

“There are crises of regional economies and that happens in our province, also the fair distribution of subsidies, because the Capital is one thing and the provinces another,” he listed as the issues that should be on that parliamentary discussion agenda.

Vigo assured that the decision to form their own bloc “has nothing to do with the election year” and said that they have been “talking for a long time” both with Snopek and with senators Edgardo Kueider (Entre Ríos), Eugenia Catalfamo (San Luis) and Carlos Espínola (Corrientes) who yesterday made official their departure from the FdT led by Mayans.

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