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The highest denomination Argentine bill buys less than 3 dollars

The ticket Argentinian with a higher denomination, it was launched in December 2017 and it was enough to buy, in an exchange market at that time unified, 56 dollars. With the last closing of the quotes, with a ticket of 1,000 pesos can only be purchased today, U$S 2.70 at the Blue value.

At the end of the first half of 2023, the US currency once again set a new all-time high, closing Friday at $369 for sale. The new upward race has a direct impact on the value of the Argentine peso, which is devalued again against the ticket North American.

The Argentine peso continues to lose value against the dollar. Source: (A24)

In January 2020, when Alberto Fernández began his management as head of the Argentine executive, The blue dollar was traded at $76.50, per unit, that is to say that with the baker’s ticket it was possible to access $13.07and with the official price at $62.96, you could buy $15.88.

To to buy Today, the same amount of products and services that a $1,000 bill bought 5 years ago would require $9,372. When the baker’s bill was born, bought almost half of a basic food basket for one person, 47%, while in December 2022, it barely reached 4.5%.

The highest denomination Argentine bill buys less than three dollars. Source: (Infobae)

Economists explain the marked increase in the value of the dollar, in the excess of pesos that exist in circulation, the exchange rate delay in relation to inflation and a greater demand for foreign exchange for holidays abroad.

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