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The hourly reader, an exquisite play in Miami

The hourly reader, an exquisite play in Miami

MIAMI.- By José Sanchis Sinisterra, one of the most prominent Spanish playwrights of the moment, is the moving play The hourly readerwhich the company MarGi Happenings presents in theater Manuel Artime, under the direction of Marilyn Romero, from April 18 to 20.

“A father, a wealthy and cultured businessman, employs a reader to read works of universal literature to his daughter who has become blind,” the actress and director told DIARIO LAS AMÉRICAS.

“The mother is not there and at the beginning of the play we do not know why she is not there, nor what was the accident that caused the blindness of the young lover of literature. We also don’t know anything about the reader, who is an enigmatic character. But little by little, through the reading sessions and the dialogues between the characters, we are finding clues that give us an idea of ​​what happened and why each character is the way they are,” Romero noted.

We have enjoyed the author’s works in Miami Empty, Ñaque, Oh, Carmela y Of lice and actors, y The hourly reader is a piece that was written by Sinisterra 23 years ago and denotes a rich development of words and plot.

“It is an intelligent play for a spectator who likes to enjoy art in words, in acting, in staging. Above all, he likes to think,” highlighted the director.

Romero counts on the performance of Ariel Texidó, Andy Barbosa and Anel Perdomo to carry out this theatrical production, which anticipates an exquisite performance.

“They are three excellent actors, very creative, and they are completely dedicated to their characters. I already knew Ariel and Andy, but I had not seen characters like the ones they are developing here, and Anel, which is premiering in Miami, is a revelation. You’ll see,” she noted.

The production of the staging is in charge of Gigi González, the set design is conceived by Pedro Balmaseda and Jorge Noa de Nobarte, and the music has been composed for the occasion by Pepín Rivero.

The MarGi Happenings company anticipates a festival tour with this theatrical performance.

In Miami they will have only three performances: Thursday the 18th, Friday the 19th and Saturday the 20th of April, at 8 PM, at Teatro Manuel Artime, 900 SW, 1st Street.

Tickets by Evenbrite, you can click hereor directly to MarGi Happenings here an Internet.

More information: 305-975-0744

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