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The ICC authorizes the resumption of the investigation for alleged crimes against humanity in Venezuela

The ICC authorizes the resumption of the investigation for alleged crimes against humanity in Venezuela

Caracas.- The International Criminal Court (ICC) authorized prosecutor Karim Khan on Tuesday to resume his investigation into the alleged commission of crimes against humanity in Venezuela, considering that the “internal criminal proceedings” in Caracas allegedly “do not sufficiently reflect the scope” of the case. and points out that “unexplained periods of inactivity” are recorded.

Likewise, the ICC Pre-Trial Chamber held that “limited investigative measures have been taken”, therefore, in its opinion, “in many cases there appear to be periods of inexplicable investigative inactivity”.

Therefore, although it notes that Venezuela is taking “some investigative measures,” it considered that “its internal criminal proceedings do not sufficiently reflect the full scope of the investigation.”

However, the judges recalled that this conclusion “does not prevent” Caracas from providing in the future the material that determines the “inadmissibility on the basis of complementarity”, that is, demonstrating that the Venezuelan justice system is already investigating all the alleged crimes against humanity denounced by the victims and that the investigation by the ICC prosecutor is not necessary.

FUENTE: El Universal with information from EFE

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