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The idea of ​​joining La Plata, Berisso and Ensenada with the university train advances

The academic vice president of the National University of La Plata, Fernando Tauberheld a meeting at the Rectorate with the Executive Director of the National Transport Regulation Commission (CRNT), Jose Ramon Arteagaand together they revived an old idea of ​​uniting the provincial capital with the cities of Berisso and Ensenada through a railway service.

It is one of the great projects of the UNLP, designed for the development of the region. In this sense, both officials agreed on the feasibility of the project, stressing that the roads are in good condition and the necessary civil works would be minor.


“For us, the commitment of Arteaga and his CNRT team is essential, who have been accompanying us since the beginning of the project, both in terms of guaranteeing the availability of rolling stock and in the materialization of the works that we have underway” , said Tauber regarding the works that are carried out to extend the route of the university train in the city.

Last December, the UNLP service carried out a complete test trip using the roads recovered from the ring road, from the new station at Avenida 7 and 72 to the San Juan de Dios Hospital inn, at 72 and 25, passing through the renovated stop at 12 and 72 and a new one installed at 17 and 72. On that occasion, the agreement that will launch the Executive Project to tender the new works that will extend the route from 72 and 25 to Los Hornos was also signed.

Now, during the meeting, Tauber explained that the civil works of this second stage – which adds 3.8 kilometers of tracks to the route – has already been completed and the signaling and communication infrastructure work will continue..

for his part Arteaga confirmed the commitment of the organization that leads to advance with the tender to finalize the third stage of the project that, as indicated, plans to expand the university train service to reach Los Hornos. For this, the construction of the necessary infrastructure in terms of signage, adaptation of roads and new hostels is contemplated, which will be located diagonally 74 and Boulevard 81 (Cemetery), 66 and 31, 60 and 31, and 137 and 52.

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