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The illnesses that can develop due to not getting enough sleep

You can maintain a balanced diet, do physical activity and constantly hydrate, but if you don’t sleep long enough, your body will also suffer. While children and teenagers need between 10 and 12 hours of sleep each day, adults should sleep at least seven hours.

Not all adults comply with the minimum number of hours of sleep per day, whether due to work obligations, family obligations or sleep disorders that cause insomnia. But not sleeping, could be helping to develop serious illnesses.

World Sleep Day: How many hours of sleep are needed for child growth

Obesity, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, strokes, poor mental health and even premature death are some of the consequences of not sleeping long enough.

If other factors are added, such as poor nutrition or lack of exercise, the chances of contracting one of these illnesses increases.

Better sleep tips

  • Prioritize the dream. Sleep hours are not lost hours, it’s time for the body to rest.
  • Set aside electronic devices two hours before bed. The blue light is a disruptor of the sleep and wake cycles.
  • Choose a good mattress. The comfort is important to sleep well, so invest in a mattress that adapts to your back and good pillows.
  • Do exercise during the day. So you’ll be more tired when you sleep, but don’t do much physical activity before you pull over because your body will remain active.
  • Relax. Listen to relaxing music or read a book on the tan interesting, to calm your mind little by little.
  • Manage the stress. If you have a problem in your daily life, pay attention during the day to prevent it from bothering you at night.
  • Avoid having coffee, drinking alcohol or eating too much before you pull over.
  • Be consistent with your schedule. Acuéstate and wake up at the same time to regulate your body and make it easier for you to sleep.
  • Concentrate on your breathing. If it’s difficult for you to fall asleep, learn to regulate your breathing and relax your body.
  • Keep your bedroom at a cool temperature. (I)
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