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The IMF approved a new revision of the agreement with Argentina and authorized a disbursement of US$5.4 billion

This was reported by the international financial institution this Friday. The level of BCRA reserves increased by US$2.5 billion after the transfer

By iProfessional

31/03/2023 – 19,24hs

After the visit of the Minister of Economy, Sergio Massa, to the offices of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the agency authorized a new disbursement for the Argentine government. Is about US$5.400 million that will be allocated to the coffers of the Central Bank.

The news was informed by the financial entity directed by Kristalina Georgieva, this Friday after 6:00 p.m., adding that the level of Argentine reserves had increased by some 2.5 billion dollars, after the transfer of funds from Washington.

– News in development

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