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The installation of Christmas lights has begun in Craiova: “We’re afraid we won’t be ready”

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​In the city of Craiova, the installation of Christmas installations has begun, even though we are more than two months away from the winter holidays. The mayor of Bănie, Lia Olguța Vasilescu, claims that the authorities are afraid that “we will not be ready until November 17, when the opening is scheduled” and says that it is about 2 million light bulbs to be installed.

Craiova Christmas Fair, 2022Photo: Inquam Photos / Inquam Photos

The Craiova Christmas market will take place in four squares in the city: Mihai Viteazul, Frații Buzești, Doljeana and Shakespeare, just like in past years, Lia Olguța Vasilescu wrote on Facebook.

“As the residents of Craiova who walked today (Tuesday, no) through the central area could see, we have already started to install the installations for the Christmas Market. why so early Because we have to install almost 2 million light bulbs and we are really afraid that we won’t be ready until November 17, when the opening is scheduled”, explained the mayor.

Vasilescu also claims that “this year we have a totally new concept compared to previous years. In Mihai Viteazul Square, everything will be like in the Snow White story: cold light, vault with clouds and birds, dream castle, huge mirror and shards, ice rink, houses in the colors of snow and even Snow White, who is Alice with different clothes and a wand magical”.

Even the bars and restaurants will be decorated in the theme chosen by the local authorities.

“Santa Claus will come to Buzești Square where there will be an explosion of warm light and decorations like never before seen in Romania. For the first time, the bars, restaurants and hotels in the central area will also be decorated with warm light decorations, the representatives of the companies wanting to lend a helping hand to the authorities”, according to the mayor.

Lia Olguța Vasilescu is convinced that all this will bring Craiova to the top of the European Christmas markets.

  • “At the theater there will be other decorations and the biggest wheel in Romania. Finally, I don’t want to divulge all the surprises, because there are many and they will place us, again, in the top European Christmas markets, without a doubt, but I present you a photo of the tree (ed.: see photo below) which will be in Mihai Viteazul Square and which will be over 20 meters long, to see what to expect from us.
  • Those of you who are not from Craiova, it would be good to make hotel reservations after November 17, because we guarantee that in Bănie there will be one of the most beautiful holiday fairs in Europe”, Vasilescu also wrote on his account Facebook.

In 2022, the Christmas market in Craiova was ranked third in a European top, made by According to the ranking, the first place was awarded to Budapest, the second place to the city of Gdańsk in Poland, and Vienna ranked fourth.

A year before, in 2021, Craiova had received sixth place, in the same top.

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