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The juice of this fruit not only refreshes on hot days: it burns fat and helps to lose weight

Accelerating fat loss can sometimes become quite a challenge, even following a balanced diet and a active lifestyle with physical exercise. Sometimes we can lean on the benefits of some superfoods. In this case, we want to talk to you about the benefits of one of the kings of the Spanish Mediterranean diet and that it also favors the health of women.

A fruit-shaped superfood that also It can help cool you down on hot days. and that mixed with water and taken on an empty stomach, it can be your ally to accelerate fat loss, but also to provide many other good health benefits. Read on to find out what it is.

Water with lemon to lose weight: How to prepare it?

This drink that you can drink on an empty stomach to lose weight is none other than water with lemon. A great tool to hydrate yourself in the morning, which can also help you lose weight and is also a diuretic drinkwhich will also help you eliminate fluid accumulation and therefore deflate the belly.

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Although by itself and as we always tell you with this type of home remedies, it is not a magic recipe to lose weight, nor will it increase fat burning, lemon water is a drink rich in antioxidant nutrients that will help the body to eliminate toxins and thus facilitating weight loss.

It is clear that water with lemon is an excellent natural preparation to lose weight and take care of your health, but it will always have to be accompanied by a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Once we have this clear, it is time to start preparing this refreshing and healthy drink. To do this, simply follow the steps below.

Lemon water recipe

  • Fill a pitcher with cold mineral water.
  • Once you have the mineral water, cut a lemon in half and squeeze the juice from one of its parts. You can also choose to add freshly cut lemon slices and let them rest for a few minutes.
  • Stir the mixture so that it is well diluted in the water and it will be ready so that you can take it on an empty stomach.

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How to drink water with lemon to lose weight

As for how you should take it to enjoy all its benefits, you will have to drink a glass of water with lemon fasting and about 30 minutes before breakfast. Try to drink the water with the freshly squeezed lemon to enjoy all its properties.

Lemon water is associated with weight loss thanks to several factors. One of them we found it with that it is a drink low in calories and sugarwhich makes it a much healthier alternative to other caloric drinks.

In addition to this, lemon water has a satiating effectwhich together with a balanced diet, can help you control your appetite and reduce your total food intake.

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Regarding cold water, several studies have associated the consumption of cold water with the temporary stimulation of metabolism, something that may contribute to a higher energy expenditure. So they make this drink a refreshing option to hydrate and promote weight loss, but in a limited way.

Other beneficial properties of water with lemon

It is important to note that lemon is a fruit especially known for its richness in vitamins such as vitamin Cbut also for its nutrients, since it contains acids (citric, malic and caffeic), minerals (potassium, calcium and magnesium), in addition to pectin, carbohydrates and flavonoids.

A refreshing drink that has several health benefits, we highlight some of its beneficial properties:

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  • Hydration: Lemon water is a refreshing and delicious way to stay hydrated. By adding the lemon to the water we will help to increase the consumption of liquids, something essential to maintain the balance in the body.
  • Vitamin C: Lemon is a good source of vitamin C, a key antioxidant that helps strengthen the immune system, promotes healthy skin, and supports iron absorption. An easy way, therefore, to obtain an additional dose of this vitamin and at the same time prevent colds, flu…
  • Digestion: Lemon water can help stimulate the production of gastric juices, which will help us improve digestion. It can also help relieve indigestion symptoms such as heartburn and bloating.
  • Alkaline properties: Although lemon is acidic, once metabolized by the body, it has an alkalizing effect. Consuming lemon water on a regular basis can help balance the body’s PH and promote a more alkaline environment, which also has health benefits such as disease prevention and reduced inflammation. In fact, a study published in the Journal of Environmental and Public Health en 2012 examined the relationship between alkaline diet and bone health in older women.
  • Detoxifying properties: Lemon water has also been promoted as a detox drink for its ability to stimulate liver function and help flush toxins from the body.
  • Hormone Health in Women: Lemon water can also help balance hormone levels in women. In fact, the vitamin C present in lemon is important for the production of hormones such as estrogen and progesterone. Do not forget that maintaining an adequate hormonal balance is key to achieving menstrual and reproductive health.

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