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The Last of Us: a cosplay of Ellie, adult and Italian girl Christina Volkova

I recent update of The Last of Us Part 1 per PC still corrected various errors and problems in which the game makers were not incapable and that they were creating a unique and wonderful experience. While c’è chi si gode per la prime volta l’incredibile viaggio di Joel and Elliethe community of passionati continues to render onori the title Naughty Dog.

in this Ellie cosplay from The Last of Us We lived through the incredible path of Ellie, a born baby when the world created by Neil Druckmann was ormai già preda della pandemia de Cordyceps. Growing up in the quarantine zone of the state city of Boston, she was affiliated with her mother to Marlene.

In the corso degli eventi di Left Behind, come walrus gives an infetto assieme all’amica Riley. While her company died, Ellie sopravvisse all’infezione. In her body, there is a mutated version of Cordyceps that Luci tried to use to finally create a cure.

When Marlene and Ellie si apprestano ad abandonare Boston per raggiungere la base delle Luci, la donna viene ferita e costretta ad abandonare la ragazzina a Joel. Da lì, she started a lungo viaggio in cui Joel accompagnò Ellie eats a fatherhitting Suonare with the guitar.

In the joint photographic set dalla Italian cosplayer Christina Volkova We see Ellie as a baby come in The Last of Us Part 1 as an adult, or I am ready to disagree if she is alone and will have a lot of her life, come in Part 2. Prima di lasciarvi, I imagine something will happen to Ellie and she will come to The Last of Us Part 3.

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