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The Last of Us: Game Director does not appear in the series credits

Currently celebrating Last of Us series great achievements. After all, the HBO adaptation was praised to the skies after the first episode and is currently one of the most popular video game adaptations of recent years. The name is repeated over and over again Neil Druckman called. After all, he was in charge of both the series and the games. But while Druckmann, due to his work, appears in the series’ credits, the name is Bruce Straley not to be found. Straley is the former game director of The Last of Us.

No mention, no money

For years, Straley had worked on various projects at Naughty Dog until he decided to leave the studio in 2017. He has since set up his own studio, Wildflower Interactive. In an interview which Straley the Los Angeles Times has given, the relationship between him and Naughty Dog is described as strained.

Straley was, for example, in the credits of The Last of Us Part 1 explicitly thanked for his work, but his name does not appear anywhere in the credits of the HBO series. “It’s an argument for unionization that someone who co-created this world and these characters doesn’t see credit and nickels for their workStraley told the Los Angeles Times.Perhaps we need more unions in the video game industry to better protect authors.

unions and the gaming industry

Both Pcgamer and Kotaku emphasize in their articles on the cause that union organization has always been a big issue in recent months. Especially at Activsion Blizzard there have been numerous attempts and developments in this regard. Also at Nintendo there was a headline about trade unions last year.

Sources: Pcgamer, kotaku

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